And Then There Were 4

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It was the weekend before the Avengers Endgame premiere, at least for all the celebrities. As it was the summer of 2019, Katy had nothing planned other than homework, which was what normally took over her weekends.

However, at the moment the girl was completely focused on the task at hand. The buzzing of her phone made her jump at the sudden vibration on her arm. "Hey Tom! What's up?" she called cheerfully into the phone.

"Do you wanna come to the Endgame premiere with me?" Straight to the point, apparently. This must be something he's short on time for.

Katy chuckled, grinning at the question. "Hello Darling, how are you?" she mocked, earning a soft sigh from the man, along with an apology. "I'd love to go but there are multiple problems. I have class, I'm not a rich celebrity so I have nothing to wear when in attendance, and most importantly, the press would know we're a couple if I went."

"I'm sure you could miss one day, honey."

"That's at the bottom of the list, Tom."

Tom sighed again. Katy could picture him running his fingers through his hair in frustration. "I don't care if they know or not anymore. I want to be able to actually show you a little bit of affection in public without being worried. Plus, I really want you to meet everyone." The conversation continued with him explaining why he wanted her to come and that he'd pay for everything, much to her dislike. After a few minutes of begging, she finally gave in. "Yes! Fantastic. I'll buy your ticket now, but you need to pack and head to the airport. It's about 3 hours of driving, counting dropping your car off, yes?"

Katy stuttered, shuffling to try and get her homework packed so she could go back to her room and pack for the weekend. "Uh, yeah. Tom this is really short notice!"

"I know, I'm sorry love. Be safe and I'll see you soon, okay? Let me know when you get on the plane."

She mumbled an okay, slightly panicking with how much she had to do before leaving. She managed to get packed and on the road in twenty minutes, calling her mom while driving to tell her what Tom had planned. After the two and a half-hour drive, she made it to her friend's house and they took her to the airport, the girl rushing in to get to her flight. With the last call being announced, Katy ran up, calling to the flight attendant that she was the one they were calling for. She made it on and texted Tom that she was on the flight.

Making it to LA at around eight in the afternoon, Tom was in fact waiting for her. Katy grinned and shouted, "Tom!" The man's head shot up from looking at his phone, a large smile spread across his face as he gave his girlfriend a hug. "How are you?"

"I'm good, darling. Happy you made it here safely."

Their conversation continued as they walked to get her bags and continued out to the car, Luke already waiting for them. He gave the pair a greeting, mainly Katy, and opened the door for them, taking Katy's bags and stowing them in the trunk.

The night was pretty relaxing, the two just watching a movie in their hotel room and eating pizza. The next day was pretty busy. The pair spent about as much time avoiding the paparazzi as they did shopping. For lunch, they met up with Hemsworth and his wife. Of course with Katy being a fangirl, she had a large grin on her face as she met the man who played Thor. Surprisingly, she wasn't as nervous as she thought she would be. Monday would be a different story though.

And sooner or later the day came and Katy spent most of the morning with a personal hair and makeup stylist that Tom had hired, though the woman kept giving him warning looks. With Katy getting ready in their room, Tom went over to Luke's room to give her some privacy. After a couple hours, it was time to leave and Katy was checking herself in the mirror, having second thoughts about the whole situation.

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