Imitation Game

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Months had passed, and not too much has really happened. The twins, William and Arwen, were almost 7 months. Despite their age, physically and mentally, the twins were almost two, aging three times as fast as regular humans. Although, both Iro and Loki expect they'll stop aging (for the most part) once they reach maturity. Lastly, Katy ended the spring semester, with basically all A's, and spent quite a bit of time with Tom over the summer.

After the shooting, the attention Katy got from paparazzi skyrocketed, now that she was a little more known. Not only the paparazzi, but students from around campus would flood her, causing her to have panic attacks almost on an everyday basis for a little while. Over the summer, it died down quite a bit.

Summer was over, Katy turned 19, and now it's almost time for her to go home for Thanksgiving! A week before she was going to leave, Tom came up and was going to spend the week with her at the university, and go with her for the holidays. What she didn't know was that Tom arranged with Katy's mom for his family to come join them for the holiday.

As the bathroom door opened, Katy's attention was drawn to the man in the doorway with a towel wrapped around his damp body. A blush crept to her face before she shifted her gaze back to the anime show playing on her TV.

"Hey, Love?" Tom spoke, the sound of his toothbrush gliding against his teeth echoing quietly throughout the room.

"Yes?" she dragged out the word, keeping her eyes locked on the TV screen. Does he really not see a problem standing half-naked in the doorway??

"We leave next week right? After your class ends on Monday night?" Hearing a yes from the bed, he hummed as a response as he spits into the sink, letting the water wash it down. Once the door was closed again, Tom changed, hung up his towel, and walked back out, leaning against the bed and halfheartedly pulled Katy close to him. "I do want to make you aware of something that's kinda important."

Narrowing her eyes a little, she looked up to him with her arm wrapped around his waist, and his finger tracing a circle around her new scar. "What's that, love?"

"Mind pausing?" he gestured to the TV, a scene playing from Maid-Sama between the two main characters. Of course, she paused the show then turned her attention back to him. "So, my family is flying into town Monday morning and will be flying with us back to your house. They'll be with us for Thanksgiving so you'll finally get to meet them!"

Katy pulled away a little, looking up to him with a slightly panicked look in her eye. "What?"

"Hey hey!" Tom chuckled a little, stroking her hair and sending her a gentle smile. "It's gonna be fine! I've already arranged everything with your mom. My sisters will stay in your room with us, and my mom will stay in the guest house."

"Thomas it's not about the arrangements, I figured you already had that all sorted out. It just-" she groaned, rubbing her hand across her face, earning a slightly worried look from the man above her, "- this will be the first time I'm meeting your family. I'm worried that I'll make a bad first impression! What if they don't like me? What if I'm not up to the standards they wished for in your partner!" She was cut off by a kiss to the forehead. A familiar feeling of comfort, like bundled in a warm blanket with hot chocolate on a cold winter night, ones she'd grown used to. Closing her eyes at the gentle touch from Tom, she took a breath to calm herself, Tom pulling away once he heard her calm down.

"You have no idea how excited they are to meet you, my Love," he whispered, lifting her face up to look at him. "Just be yourself. I'm sure they'll fall for you as quickly as I did."

Later, in the wee hours, Tom woke up with a weird feeling, unable to fall back asleep no matter how hard he tried, his thoughts wouldn't let him. Carefully getting out of bed, he quietly walked out into the kitchen and called his sister, waiting patiently for her to answer.

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