Drifting Away

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My name is Kathryn. I'm just an ordinary girl from a small town... Screw that, it's boring. Yes, that is my story in this world, but that isn't the story we're following. We're going to start where it all began; the day I got my powers. It's been years now, but it's still as vivid as ever.


It was dark outside and raining. Currently, Katy was playing video games until her mother came to tell her to sleep. So far, her game was going well and she had just finished another level. Once the new one started, it was harder than she expected it to be.

"No, no! Aw crap," she groaned, her character dying. The television screen turned red, the words 'you died, try again?' written in bold print. Before she could start again, she heard a noise outside her door.

Diane, her mother, knocked gently on the door before entering into the room. "I thought you had already gone to bed," the woman spoke, a small smile spreading across her slightly aged but still beautiful face. "Go ahead and get in bed, honey," she suggested, shutting the door behind her as Katy responded with a soft 'okay'. There was a hint of disappointment mixed into her tone.

Katy turned off the gaming system and tv, crawling into her bed and getting comfortable as her mother sat at the foot of the bed.

"Can't I stay up a little longer?" she pouted, sticking her bottom lip out slightly after she spoke, sinking into her bed.

Diane chuckled slightly under her breath, shaking her head. "No, hun. I have to leave for work early tomorrow so I need you to get to sleep and take care of the animals in the morning," she explained, tucking her daughter into the bed. "Get some sleep, okay?" The mother earned a quiet response from the young girl as she kissed her daughter's head. "Good night, honey. See you after work tomorrow," she grinned, getting up and walking to the door.

"Good night, mom," Katy whispered, yawning as she got comfortable in her bed. After that, the light was turned off and her door shut as her mom left the room.


She heard the sound of a river flowing steadily and the sounds of bugs, cicadas specifically. She felt the grass beneath her and the bright sun shining down on her. At this moment, she was very relaxed, a small smile even slipping onto her face. She then suddenly realized that the last thing she remembered was that she was going to sleep in her bed at home. Her eyes widened in shock as she sat up on the ground, looking around at her surroundings. There was indeed a river, a very large one that was probably a few miles wide. The sun was indeed shining very brightly, as well as hot too, hotter than usual. She then stood and looked herself over.

Katy noticed she was wearing a dress. It wasn't a fancy one, or even a day dress like the ones she was used to. This one had one strap across her shoulder holding it up on her body. It was also rougher than the ones back home. The dress itself was white with very few of stains on it, but stains there were nonetheless. Of what, she had no clue. She also had a gold armband in the shape of a snake circling her right arm. When she looked further down, she was wearing sandals that looked hand woven.

'Where the hell am I?' she thought to herself, not even noticing the person trying to get her attention. The girl was practically in shock at the moment, trying to figure out where she was and how she got there.

"Kema!" a woman shouted in a foreign language. Katy didn't understand how, but she understood what this girl was saying. The girl then walked up to Katy and shook her by the shoulders. "Are you alright? Have you been under the Eye of Ra for too long?" The woman placed the back of her hand to Katy's forehead, still not getting a response. "Kema, we should get you back to your home. Come." She was not willing to take no for an answer as she gently took Katy's wrist and lead her back in the direction she came from.

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