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"FIRST THING'S FIRST," LAWRENCE ANNOUNCES TO THE ROOM, BUT SPECIFICALLY TO MY SISTER. Faune narrows her eyes and leans back against the couch, her face alone causes the corners of my lips to quirk. My sister stares at the Prince boredly, which—might I add—he does not appreciate. He glares at Faune, usually if someone was acting this way to my sister I'd break their windpipe, but Faune doesn't need me to stand up for her, she doesn't need or want my help right now. And honestly? I don't feel like helping. This all quite entertaining, if I do say so myself.

"How the hell did you get here?" Lawrence glowers at my sister, which has my blood boiling. I'll let her fight her own battles, but it doesn't mean I'm okay with him being an ass. So, I do the one thing that'll wipe that look right off his face. I grab onto the dark shadowy string inside of me, the minute my fingers touch it they rise. Large shadow wolves coming alive and bend to my very will. They bound over to where Faune and I sit on the couch. Lawrence yelps when Brutus snarls at him. I glance at where Kam sits—beside the Prince, and see faint amusement shine through his pale gold eyes. They seem dimmer than before. Not his usual bright amber, more grey, I guess. It's weird, Kam seems very tired. Well, it is a little after four in the morning, we're all tired. But Kam seems physically drained.

He must sense me looking because his pale eyes find mine. He offers me a small smile before averting his gaze. The amusement left the minute he looked at me. I guess we really are trying this whole "Friends" thing.

Rora trots over to Faune and lays her head on her lap. I can't help but smile at the pair. I created Rora for Faune specifically, so she had a wolf of her own. But, Rora and Faune stopped playing together after mama died. Because of Reighla and her rules. Rules that were supposed to keep us "Safe". If only she could see us now, both in the King's clutches, both secrets revealed.

She'd beat us bloody just for being here. For being stupid enough to have been caught. I wouldn't blame her. It's my fault. All of it.

Faune smiles down at her wolf and scratches behind her ear.

"Hello?" Lawrence demands, gaining back whatever confidence he had before I scared him—again. I scowl at his voice, his whiney, annoying, voice. "Are you fucking deaf? Was your hearing impaired when Ember was attacked? Because your ears were working just fine before, if I recall correctly, you could hear every little thing I said, much to my dismay, because that lead to all the arguing and the bitching—"

Faune rolls her eyes and looks up to me.

Does he ever stop talking?

I smile ruefully, Unfortunately, no. I feel like one day someone will rip his tongue out. I really hope it's me.

Faune snorts. I think you'd have to get in line. A lot of people do not wish to hear him talk his head off for their entire life. They'd cleave their own ears out. I tilt my head back and laugh.

I catch Lawrence's angry eyes moving between me and Faune.

"What is going on?"

Faune jerks her head to him. "We were discussing all the ways to permanently shut you up." She hisses.

Lawrence rolls his eyes. "Ah," he says. "But if I shut up you'd never get to hear my pretty voice."

Faune scoffs. "Are you ever afraid that your head will fall off because of how large it is? Your neck barely supports it."

Lawrence opens his mouth but Kam cuts him off. "As fascinating as this conversation is," he says sarcastically. "We really should try and stay on track."

Mirror of Embers (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now