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"IT'S BEEN A WEEK EMBER, HOW ARE YOU STILL SICK?" Shann asks me, I'm hurling over the side of the boat. My stomach really doesn't like boats, or swaying. I whip my head and glare, how the fuck am I supposed to answer that, Shann? You want me to have a discussion with my stomach? Hi, sorry to bother you, I know you're very busy digesting my foods, but I was wondering if we could talk about the whole throwing up thing? It seems a little unfair to be honest. Royal snickers from beside me. He's leaning with his back against the ledge of the ship. He's grinning wickedly at me, what a shithead. I hate how he can somehow get past my mental shields and into my head. I should sever the Calling but anything could go wrong, it'd be a good way to get in contact with him.

"I swear to the gods, Ryvergrave," Logon calls from the wheel. I glance up at the pirate, his long brown hair is tied behind his head, keeping the loose hairs from his face. His tanned skin looks darker in the sun and his dark grey eyes look almost black in the sun, "if you get vomit on the side of my ship, I'll make you scrub the deck from top to bottom." I give him a lopsided grin and throw my favourite finger in the air.

"What a lady," his accent is rich and smooth as he talks. It sounds like honey on his tongue. I spit into the salty ocean getting rid of the remainder of vomit in my mouth and turn fully around. Leaning on the back of the ledge, I cross my arms over my chest and stare at Logon. He smiles widely at me, he definitely is one of the most beautiful pirates I've ever seen, which is surprising considering they're usually dirty and smelly. But Logon looks like the spitting image of a noble. He's clean and well dressed. He's in black trousers and a white flowy shirt with a leather vest on top that is tied together with string. A couple of buttons are open on his chest, which reveals a tanned and muscled chest. Not a hair in sight either. I wouldn't be surprised if the sun has singed off all his body hair. He's only a couple of years older than me but he's been sailing his entire life.

"Whoever said I was a lady?"

"Well considering your foul mouth," he smirks and slightly turns the helm to the left. "I wouldn't be surprised." I mock a bow and he chuckles from the quarter deck.

"Hollaren!" He yells, a scrawny boy with black hair pops his head up from where he was tightening the sails. "You need to pull harder, if you don't it'll come loose!"

"Aye cap'n" Hollaren answers, I watch him as he fumbles to tighten the knot. I sigh exasperatedly and walk up to the boy and help him tighten it. He looks at me gratefully, he mouths a thank you, and I give him a terse nod. "When you're tightening it," I say quietly, trying to make sure no one hears. I remember when I used to have trouble doing this too. Reighla made Faune and I learn how to properly maintain a ship, and if we messed up . . . oh how she'd yell. "Hold your left hand above the knot and pull on it with your right. Make sure you're pulling it at an angle as well, if not it won't work." I place my hands where I told him to put them, demonstrating how it should look. I pretend to pull it slightly angled to the right. I then bring it back and motion for him to try. He mumbles my instructions to himself over and over again. Poor kid, I think to myself. He's probably a couple of years younger than me. Fifteen? Maybe sixteen. He's about medium height and very skinny, barely any muscle on the boy. Hopefully, that'll change once he learns the ropes around here. Quite literally. He follows my advice and pulls the knot beautifully, securing it in place. He turns and flashes me a cute smile.

"Thank you, Miss, you have no idea how many times I've messed this up." He says quietly, I can't help but smile back at him. All he needed was a little help, it's never a bad thing, but he probably was too scared to ask for any help. I shrug with my right shoulder. "It's all about practice, just be patient with yourself . . ." I trail off waiting for him to fill in the gap.

Mirror of Embers (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now