Chapter 41: The One Pulling The Strings

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Author's Note: *sweating nervously*'s been a while huh?

Trigger warning(s): Uncensored language, blood, use of bladed weaponry, implied off-screen character death, implied off-screen murder, implied attempted murder, descriptions of injuries, implied PTSD, references to past substance abuse, implied self-loathing, references to past suicidal ideation, and descriptions of non-consensual possession. Please tread lightly.

(Updated Edits on 8/6/23)


Papyrus couldn't help but shakily look down at the bloody knife in his hand before looking up to his brother as he staggered backward; hands brought to his own chest in response to the wound that was just slashed open.

Sans swore loudly as he hit the ground; searing pain erupting on his chest as his hoodie became sticky with blood. Papyrus could see him taking experimental breaths as he just sat there; trying to let his body adjust to the burning feeling from the surprise injury. For several minutes Papyrus watched him attempt to get back to his feet, only to collapse back on the ground; even coughing up blood at one point.

His body was spent.

There was no way he could make it.

It would only be a short while longer before Sans' soul would break and he would be gone.

Papyrus scanned over his brother in intense alarm; searching for the dust that was sure to start swirling any moment now as Chara cackled in victory behind him.

"Now THAT! THAT was too easy!" Chara gloated.

"All that build-up and no follow-through! Talk about disappointing, Comic Sans!"

Papyrus barely even registered what his captor was saying as tears fell freely.

" no no no no! SANS NO!" he muttered softly, trying to reach for his brother only to wince in pain when Chara held him back by the red string.

"Oh quit being a baby, Papyrus! He's already dead!" they taunted, only resulting in Papyrus' stuttering even more.

"I couldn't have...I-I wouldn't! I-I didn't m-mean..." Papyrus stuttered frightfully; shaking like a leaf as he stared at his likely-dying brother.

"Sure YOU didn't mean it, but I certainly did! And now nothing can save him! There's no way 1 HP could've survived that blow to the chest! We won! I won!"


Papyrus and Chara both went slack with shock as a new voice joined the conversation, both looking up to see Sans slowly getting up again; wiping away the blood dripping down his chin before speaking again.

"'s a good thing I don't go down that easy then..." Sans finished with a weak smile.

"Y-You're alive...YOU'RE ALIVE!" Papyrus cried out instantly with a relieved smile; a grin crossing his face so widely it hurt.

Chara was not nearly as excited as they eyed the short skeleton with a deadly glare.

"How the fucking hell did you do THAT?! I HIT YOU POINT BLANK!"

Sans chuckled lowly as he summoned his staff back into his hand, Gaster blasters summoning around him as both eyes went black.

"You should've hit me harder..."


(A Few Moments Before...)

Grillbz was taking slow, focused breaths as he paced in the lab, his attention averted from where Alphys was putting together the equipment needed for the HP transplant.

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