Chapter 14

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It's been five days.

Five days of constant crying, thinking, hurting and longing. Five days since Jennie last stepped out of her room which wasn't for having a meal with her nosy parents. Five days since she started painting a fake smile on her face in front of them, trying to mask her broken heart. Five days since she started wondering why.

Why was this happening to her? What did she do to deserve the pain, the unsuccessful attempts for love? The constant issues that came in her life one after another? She wondered and wondered, but never found the answer.

All she wanted was to be happy for once. She yearned for happiness so bad that she was ready to drop the one she didn't realize she already had. She thought Lisa was what she needed, but she never knew the girl would be the one that would make her feel the greatest pain she had ever felt.

Her heart broke after every thought of her. It was all Lisa's fault. If the girl just trusted her enough from the beginning and told her before things got complicated, they wouldn't be here right now. But she didn't and let them get into the deep where pain was already inevitable.

Now she knew what Lisa meant when she told her they can't be together, when she said she was protecting her. Jennie would get old with time, but Lisa would forever be the same beautiful eighteen years old teenage girl. They couldn't live together, couldn't get married, couldn't have kids, couldn't achieve any of the dreams they would eventually make together as a couple.

If they were really soulmates as what Jisoo made Jennie believe, then they were meant to be together, alive. But Lisa died too early, too soon. Their fate was still unfulfilled. They had to meet one way or another and it finally happened, but it was too late. There was no more chance for a happy ending. Maybe they at least could prevent the pain if they had ended it early.

But Jennie still had Chaeyoung in her life. Even tho all the fights they had sometimes, she made her happy. They had a chance for a future together after all. Sadly, they didn't have the love anymore. But was it possible to regain it again now that Lisa was gone from Jennie's life?

Even if it was, guilt was eating the brunette from the inside. Chaeyoung still thought she had the same girl she met in the beginning, but she was wrong. Jennie had become a liar, a cheater, a horrible person for doing this for someone who showed her nothing but love all this time, who decided to lose her family in the name of love, for her. And that, along with the pain from the impossible love between her and Lisa, would torment her until the rest of her life. She needed to do something.

She needed to tell Chaeyoung about what she did. Maybe then she would ease the guilt and would clear her head. She would let Chaeyoung go and let her find her own real happiness, her own destined soul mate. Because that clearly wasn't Jennie.

Would Chaeyoung forgive her? Would she be mad? Would she brake up with her? Did Jennie just ruin their life long friendship and the relationship they fought for for so long? She probably did. However, it didn't matter how Chaeyoung would react because Jennie had to accept whatever decision the blonde would take. She couldn't blame her if she ended things between them.

The brunette sloppily lifted her body from the bed and headed towards the bathroom to take a shower after six long days. She felt dirty, both in and out, but the water could only help her rinse the dirt from the outside. It couldn't help get rid of the mistakes she made, the lies she told, the pain she caused.

She looked at herself in the mirror. Her disheveled bed hair once neatly combed, her red swollen eyes once screaming happiness, her chapped lips once shaped in a beautiful gummy smile were all gone now and replaced by her new ugly self. She couldn't recognize this new Jennie and she wanted to fix that. And the first step was to try and make up for her mistakes.

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