Chapter 16

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It's already been minutes.  

Or maybe it's been hours.

Jennie lost a total track of time as she continued to run across the city in just her thin white shirt. Bare feet not even bothering to dodge the puddles from the heavy rain that she didn't realize had started pouring, she ran and cried harder. Her tears got masked by the raindrops hitting on her face but her loud sobs couldn't be mistaken with the thunders in the clouds above her head.

Passing neighborhoods, roads and buildings, she kept running. She never knew she had such amazing stamina. Or maybe the mere thought of being in her arms again gave her body an infinite supply of energy, pushing her to run faster and finally get back to the familiar warmth of her body.

Jennie was freezing, she was wet, hurt from the rough texture of the road under her feet but her mind was screaming to keep going until she reached her destination.

How did her life got fucked up so fast? In the span of just one month, everything crumbled down harder what she had ever expected was possible. She wasted to scream, to let out the frustration or just wake up from this nightmare. Sadly, she knew this was real. The stinging pain in her heart was the biggest indicator that this was not a dream. No amount of screaming and crying would fix her broken life.

First it was Chaeyoung, then Lisa suddenly came crashing into her life out of no where, then feelings and confusion came, secrets unveiled, forcing into an arraigned-- no, scratch that, forced marriage, then she accidentally came out and got everything more fucked up than it already was.

She wanted everything to stop. She needed peace. Peace Jennie was sure she would find in her arms again even tho it would be temporary. She needed that false illusion that everything was okay so she could continue fighting.

Now running between the trees, her feet almost wounded to blood as they stepped over branches and stones, she finally saw the figure she was looking for. She ingored the pain and kept running until she reached the body that stood out there alone in the rain, in the freezing cold.

3 steps.

2 steps.

1 steps.

Jennie threw herself at her and locked the girl into a bear hug. Her warmth immediately flooded through the brunette's body, her scent invaded her senses and she couldn't help but cry harder, hold harder until she felt she would crash her ribs into dust.

"Lisa" she said between her sobs, burying her face further in her back and wetting her dry hoodie with the fallen tears.

"Jennie? What the hell are you doing here? I thought we agreed you won't come anymore" Lisa startled, spoke. But Instead of pushing her away she placed her hands on top of Jennie's and rubbed her thumbs over her cold wet skin.

"Lisa, I need you" Jennie's voice sounded weak, muffled from the girl's clothes.

The girl finally heard the sobs coming out of her which she wasn't able to catch earlier because of the noise the rain made around them. She quickly untangled Jennie's hands from her waist and turned to face her. Not wasting even a second, they both locked each other in a stronger hug.

Jennie buried her head in her neck and fisted her hoodie in her small hands while Lisa stroked her back softy over her wet shirt and whispered soothing words in her ear. The feeling of having each other in their arms again after a whole week was something unexplainable.

They stood under the rain for the next few minutes until Jennie's sobs lessened. Just as the brunette thought, she felt at peace around the younger girl, like no problems could ever exist in her world. Lisa finally pulled away slowly, taking a better look at her. Her eyes widened when she saw Jennie's condition. Her eyes were red from crying, the little amount of clothes she wore were already drenched from head to toe, she looked weak, broken, her skin was ice cold.

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