4. The Game Plan

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Chapter Summary: Spencer and Reader talk about their expectations for the relationship, and they go over plenty of kinks, rules, and limits!

Word Count: 4.2k


Lunch with Spencer passed smoothly. Spencer agreed that the noodles were delicious, and he even commented that he'd come back again to try the other dishes on the menu. 

The two of you spent the meal familiarizing yourselves with each other. You learned that Spencer was a genius; his IQ was 187, higher than Hawking's and Einstein's. Despite this, Spencer was humble about it all. In fact, he hadn't even tried to mention it. It only slipped out of his lips when you asked for more details about his super-fast reading skills.

You also learned that he was a Las Vegas native, and grew up an only child. Though beyond that, he hadn't wanted to share much more about his family, and you hadn't pressed him on it.

This was understandable - after all, it was only the second time you had had a conversation together. And moreover, you didn't really want to comment on your own childhood, either. It wasn't horrible but spouting out your own depressing childhood on a Sunday afternoon in a little cafe wasn't really ideal. Especially not when you were both warming up to each other.

Besides - you knew your daddy issues and all their glory would become obvious soon enough.

When Spencer asked about your work, things got a little awkward. You told him about The Key, your friend Martha, and how you enjoyed it there, but then the polite thing was to return the question. It would have been silly to ask about his job and pretend like you didn't already know. So, when he told you he worked for the Bureau, you sheepishly admitted that you already knew.

But thankfully, it didn't seem to upset Spencer in the way you thought it would have.

When you shared that after your encounter, upon learning he held the title 'Doctor', you were simply curious about what kind of doctor he was. And you used the internet to find out more. It seemed like a wise choice to leave Martha out of this, for now at least. So, you told him that you had Googled him, but instead of being met with links to clinics or hospitals, you were greeted by images of the FBI hard at work.

Spencer almost seemed embarrassed when you told him. Shit, you were the only one that should have been embarrassed, but somehow, the thought of you seeing him like that made him uncomfortable.

You tried to apologize for making him feel awkward, but he waved you off. Instead, he explained that it wasn't the way he wanted to tell you. And it only made him feel uncomfortable because of the fact that his face, and several other pictures of him, were out there for the world to see. This was when you learned that he hated most modern technology.

This also showed you that Spencer was a graceful man. After all of the awkwardness surrounding the discussion of his job, Spencer turned the conversation around to answer the question that had started this mess.

He told you that he held not one, but three PhDs in mathematics, engineering, and chemistry. Even more, he had earned three BAs too.

When the conversation shifted to your education, you told him about receiving your master's degree in chemistry. This was a big deal for you; it wasn't often you shared your achievements with someone so casually like this. It often led to questions about why you were so smart but working a job so completely unrelated to your degree. You didn't like this, and you sure as hell didn't like explaining how you ended up this way.

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