Chapter 16

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"I thought I was going to have to find Emerald, but it turns out all I had to do was find you!" He pointed at me. "Ha! In your dreams!" I told him. "What makes you think that I'm going to give you my magic?" Creek chuckled lightly. "Well if you won't give it to me, then I guess I'll have to take it!" He glared at us. "Fine then! Let's do this!" I shouted to everyone. They raised their fist. "Yeah!"

Ocean pulled us aside and started whispering. "Isn't this going to be too easy?" Ocean asked us. "I mean there's over five trolls here, plus the birds on our side and there's only one of him." Branch nodded. "Yeah, isn't that a little weird?" We all nodded in agreement. We continued whispering until we felt a strong wind pull us apart from each other. We all turned back around and looked at Creek. Apparently, he found the the Ultimate Power Chord and somehow managed to put it back together and must've used it to turn everyone in the cage into his own personal Rock Zombies. He turned to everyone in the cage. "Get them!" He ordered. They all started running to us. We all got into our fighting positions and ran to them.

Guy Diamond ran after me. I used my hair to fight him off. I swooped it over him and he ducked. I continued fighting him off, as I looked around at everyone. Trollex ran after Branch and Poppy, and they were both struggling to fight him off. Riff ran after Ocean and DJ ran after Journey. Emerald and Iris gathered up as many doves and song sparrows as they could, and went to fight Creek off. Creek continued blasting the Ultimate Power Chord at all of them. A few times, he actually hit some of them, and those that were hit turned the backs on all the other doves and song sparrows. River ran off and hid, like Ocean told him to do. Adventure started fighting off all the doves and song sparrows that had been Zombiefied by Creek.

I continued with Guy, although I was feeling weaker by the minute. "AHHHHHHH!!" I turned to the sound and saw Barb running after Ocean with a bat. "Ocean turn around!" I called to him urgently. He turned, saw Barb, and ducked to avoid her. "Thanks!" He shouted to me. "Your welcome!"

During the time I had looked away, Guy grabbed me and started dragging me towards Creek. He had to pull hard, because I was resisting. "Somebody help!" I shouted. Ocean heard me and used his hair to push Guy out as far as he could to push him out of the way. As soon as he let go of me, I blacked out from exhaustion. The last thing I remembered seeing was Guy grabbing me and the terrified look on Ocean's face.

*A Few Minutes Later*

I woke up because of the throbbing pain in my head. I groaned and started rubbing it. I sat up and looked around. I could tell I was in a different part of the forest because I couldn't see the heart tree that Emerald lived in. I also didn't see anyone. I guess they must have gotten captured. I can't seriously be the only one left, right?

I try standing up to look around, but stopped when I felt a sting in my right leg. I fell back down, and looked at my leg. There was a bandage on it, so there must be somebody else here. I looked around me. There was a small campfire a few feet away from me. I was on a purple sleeping bag and a few feet away was a blue sleeping bag. I wonder who that belongs too? Crack!

I look up and turn to my right. What was that? I saw a shadow coming closer to me. I grabbed the nearest thing near me, which was a pinecone. The shadow slowly approached me and I swung the pinecone and threw it with all my might. I t flew and hit the shadow. "Ow!" Shouted a familiar voice.

The shadow emerged and revealed Ocean?! He was holding a lamp and started rubbing his head, as he walked toward me. "Seriously? What was that for?!"

"I thought your were Creek." I answered and tried to stand back up. I hissed from the pain my leg and sat back down. I crossed my arms and pouted. "Great."

Trolls 3 : The Search For Happiness!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora