Chapter 11

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I looked up at Ocean and Iris. They both were wearing the same shocked expression. "What is it?" I asked. Ocean got a mirror out of his hair and held it out to me. I gasped. I was a dove!

I grinned and start jumping up and down. "Do you know what this means?" I squealed excitedly. Ocean looked shocked. "How can you be so happy?!" He shouted. "Did you see yourself in the mirror?!"

"Of course I did! I'm a dove!" I shouted. "I've always wanted to see what its like to be an animal!" They looked at me shocked. "Okay, Okay! There's a solution to all of this!" Ocean said. "We just have to look at that book and then show you to Poppy. I'm sure she'll know what to do." I look around me and see that I'm sitting on the book. I stand up and walk off of it. "Here's the book."

"Thanks." Ocean tells me and grabs the book. "Okay lets see....." He mumbles as he flips through the pages. Me and Iris sat intently waiting for him. "Okay there is nothing in here about how you can turn back." He said at last. "So plan B: We take you to the library for more research."

"Okay." I agree and start flapping. Both of them look at me confused. "What are you doing?"

"Isn't it obvious?" I ask them. They shake their heads. "No." They answered. I roll my eyes. "I'm trying to fly." I answered. Ocean looked like he was trying not to laugh. "And hows that working out for you?" He asked. I continued trying to fly.

*2 Hours Later*

Iris flew up to her nest in the tree next to us and fell asleep. Ocean used his hair to cushion him and fell asleep on the ground. I continued flapping, but got too tired to go on. I walk over to Ocean, climb on his head, and start shouting for him to wake up. He shot up, screamed, and grabbed a pair of hedge clippers. "Hey put those down!" I shouted. "Huh? Oh sorry!" He put down the clippers. "Its okay. Can you wake up Iris?"
He looked at me confused. "Why can't you wake her up?"

"I don't know...maybe because I'm a bird and I can't fly?!" I shout at him. "Okay, okay! Chill!" He told me. "Yeah I'm calm. Please get Iris up." I tell him. He walked over to her nest and started tapping on her. She stirred for a second and went back to sleep. He turned to look at me. His face screamed 'How do I wake her up?'

I shrugged. He rolled his eyes and gently lifted Iris out of nest. She started moving a little, but still stayed asleep. He put her on ground and I walked over to her. I start tapping her with one of my wings. Finally I gave up and started to shake her. She immediately woke up. "What?" She asked. "Did you forgot the plan?" I asked her. "Kinda. The last thing I remember was you trying to fly." She recalled. I rolled my eyes. "Yeah thanks for that memory."

"Just let me refresh your memory." Ocean cut in. Iris shrugged. "Alright."

*A Few Minutes Of Explaining Later*

"Remember now?" Me and Ocean asked her. She was gone. I looked at Ocean. "Where did she go?" He shrugged. "Guys I'm up here!" She called. We looked up and saw her flying above us. "Yeah just waiting on you!" She called. "Yeah about that..... How am I suppose to if I can't fly?" I frown. Ocean frowned to. He seemed to be thinking at the same time. He smiled. "I've got an idea!"

"What is it?" I asked. "Just don't panic." He told me. "What-" I didn't get a chance to finish my sentence because soon I was on his shoulder and he was lassoing trees as Iris flew beside him. It really felt like I was flying! "This better?" He shouted as we flew through the trees. "Yes! Higher!" I shouted. He lassoed a higher tree branch. "This! Is! Awesome!" I shout. Iris flew ahead of us. "Hey library's up ahead!" She shouted to us. "Hang on!" Ocean told me. He lassoed another branch closer to the library and landed gently on the ground.

Amethyst went to greet us. "Hey guys! Wait where's Esmerald?" Ocean gestured to his shoulder. "Right here!" She looked me confused. "How did she turn into a dove?" She asked. Yes! At least she didn't say what most trolls would have said. Most trolls would have looked at me and said 'But that's a dove.' At least she didn't say that. "Its a long story." I told her. "Can we go in to research something?" She nodded. "Sure anything for the troll who fixed my eyesight!"

"Thanks!" We tell her and walk in. "Okay what shelf was this book on?" Ocean asked me. "Near the very top." I answered. "Okay then!" I could tell he did not want to go up there. "Hey Iris!" I call to her. She flys gracefully down and lands on a table near us. "Yeah?"

"Can you fly up there near the top and see if you can find the books on magic?" I asked her. She nods and flies up to look for the book. Ocean shot me a grateful smile. I smile back at him. "Guys I found a lot of books which ones should I get?" Iris called. "How many are up there?" I called to her. She took a second to count all of them. "About 10!" She answered. "Can you lift any of them?" I ask her. "Not all of them." She called back. "How many can you lift?" She took another second to count. "I think I can lift about four of them."

"Okay try to lift those please!" I call to her. I turn to Ocean. "Can you turn your hair into a net?" He nods and does it. "Okay Iris just pull the books out and drop them!" Ocean turn to look at me. "What-"

"Okay here they come!" She called and started pulling them out one by one until all the ones we needed were in Ocean's hair. We walked over to a table and Ocean dunked all of the books out of his hair onto it. I walked off his arm and started looking through all of them.

*2hrs Later*

I have looked through all the books on troll magic in this library and I have found nothing!! "Well that's the last one." Ocean said as he put the book back on the stacking carts. "Now what do we do?" Iris asked. "Plan C." I answered. "Go to Poppy." We left the library and started searching for Poppy. We finally found her at a craft store buying some scrapbooking supplies. "Hey Poppy!" Ocean called to get her attention. She turned to us and waved. "Hey Ocean! Where's Esmerald and who are the doves?" Iris looked a little curious and shocked. "Well one of the doves is Iris and the other one is Esmerald." Ocean told her. She looked at me. "Your kidding!" Ocean shook his head. "I'm not kidding! She turned into a dove!"

She held out her hand and I walked onto it. Soon I saw a spark of light around both of us. Soon I was back to being my troll self! Iris looked at me and gestured for me to follow her outside. "Okay," she said once we got outside. "So you may not believe this, but Poppy could be our leaders daughter!" She told me. WHAT?! "Your kidding!" I told her. "I'm not." She told me. "Our leader told us she was actually a troll. She also told us she had a husband by the name of King Peppy and a daughter- Princess Poppy."

I could barely grasp my mind around this, so I can only imagine what Poppy's reaction would be! "Wait if your leader really is Poppy's mom and Poppy's mom is a troll then how did she turn into a dove?"

"The story goes like this......" She started telling me the story. Does Poppy even know what happen to her mother?! Does she remember the building incident I read about? Did King Peppy tell her? "Well this is just great! Who's going to tell Poppy?!" I ask Iris. "Tell Poppy what?" I turned around and saw Poppy staring at us, her eyebrow raised. Great we just got busted!!

A/N: Word Count: 1,425. Sorry it took me longer to write that. Also sorry that its shorter then I planned. Taking a writing break now! Bye!!!❤❤😀😁🌈🏞🦋


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