Chapter 18

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Phoenix sighed. "Well, originally I had found both of them, but then something kinda happened, and now she is off somewhere very upset a lot and very lost." He turned to Ocean. Ocean looked down in shame. Iris seemed to be thinking. "Okay you two start going back to the Heart Tree, and I'll send some more doves out to find her. We've already found Poppy, Branch, Journey, and Adventure. So, based on my calculations, she's the only one we haven't found yet and we've looked everywhere."

Phoenix nodded and threw some seeds on the ground. He and Ocean were about to go in, until a cage fell on them. They looked around frantically to see who dropped the cage. They looked up and saw Trollex and a bunch of doves. Trollex motioned for a bunch of doves to grab the cage. They did and flew off them.

"Great!" Iris groaned. Ocean started looking nervous. "If they have us, then that means there are other zombie trolls at the Heart Tree. " They turned and saw a bunch of Zombiefied doves flying off. "And Creek must have sent those doves to find Esmerald." Phoenix realized. They all looked at each other nervously. "Oh no! Esmerald and everyone's in trouble!"

*With Esmerald*

It took a while, but I had eventually drawn out a plan that could save everyone and make Creek beg for mercy! I just had to find Ocean, Iris, Poppy, Branch, Adventure, Journey, and Phoenix. Hopefully Creek hasn't captured them yet. I also knew that since Creek knew about my magic, he's going to send somebody, whether it be Zombiefied trolls or doves, to come after me and take me to him. I have to keep my guard up. I started walking to search for everyone.

*2 Hours Later*

I have been rolling for two hours and I haven't found anyone! I stopped to eat a snack, looking around for any sign of anyone. When I finished and didn't see anyone, I started rolling again. I hope everyone's doing better than I am.

*With Everyone At The Heart Tree*

"Okay everyone, listen up!" Emerald called. "So Iris found Ocean and Phoenix, but after finding them, her, Ocean, and Phoenix all got trapped in a cage by Trollex, who you all know has been Zombiefied by Creek. Trollex is going to take them to Creek, so we have to stop him before he does. At the same time I need another group to go look for Esmerald and warn her. She's lost and doesn't know where we are." Emerald looked around. "Okay who wants to go look for Esmerald?"

Adventure, Poppy, Branch, River, and Journey stepped forward. "Okay all of you can go look for her. Poppy your in charge, but don't leave yet." Poppy nodded and they all stood there waiting for Emerald to finish. "Okay everyone else follow me! We're going to find Ocean, Iris, and Phoenix. Listen carefully though. Once we find them we will not rescue them immediately. We're going to follow them to Creek's hideout. Then we attack. Got it?" She turned to everyone. "Okay everyone looking for Esmerald may leave, everyone else follow me!" The Esmerald Search Party left and Emerald started explaining the whole plan to those who were following her.

*With Ocean, Iris, and Phoenix*

All of them sat in the cage silent. "So...." Phoenix said. "Anyone wanna play rock, paper, scissors?" Iris shook her head. "No thanks." Ocean kept crashing into the cage every few minutes. Iris eventually got tired of it. "Dude are you doing that to make us laugh or are you trying to break out of here?"

"I'm trying to bust our way out of here." He answered. Iris looked up in excitement. "Why do you look so happy? Are you excited that we could die?" Phoenix asked. "No Ocean just gave me an idea!" She exclaimed. She looked around the cage. "I found it!" She exclaimed. Ocean and Phoenix looked over to see what it was. "The cage lock?" They both looked confused. "Any of you got a stick, nail file, or bobby pin?"

Ocean started digging through his hair. Phoenix pulled out a bag to look through. "Where you get that?" Ocean asked as he pulled out a book from his hair. "I've had it this whole time." Phoenix answered as he flew into it, rummage around. "I know its in here somewhere. No that's not it. What even is this? No not it either. What's that doing in here? Maybe this is it. Aha got it!" He flew out of the bag. "Here." He held a bobby pin set to Iris. Iris took it. "This is perfect! Thanks!" She ran over to the lock. She stuck the bobby pin into the lock and wiggled it a little. "Almost.... Got it!" She exclaimed. She carefully flew out. "Okay follow me!" She whispered. Phoenix carefully fluttered out behind her. The only one left inside was Ocean.

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