Chapter 9

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A/N: So, I know I said that I was going to the flee market with my after school group to raise money to buy toys for the Children's Hospital today. But this morning I got sick, so I couldn't go!! I HATE BEING SICK!!!!!😩😭😖😷🤢 Instead to take my mind off the fact that I can't go with my group I'm going write and publish this chapter. On Monday coming up, we're suppose to take the money we raised and go buy the toys with it. I really hope I feel better then!! Besides that on to reading! Hope you enjoy!!

*Previously on Trolls 3: A Human's way to Happiness and Home*

The sun shone through my hair and woke me up. I looked around and the whole meadow was bustling with excitement. This must be one of the few places untouched by trolls. I decided to leave for the buildings but not before hiding the entrance to the meadow. I used a rock and vines I found to hide the meadow, then left to find my way to the buildings.

Once everyone got there they started asking me all kinds of questions. Poppy silenced everyone and gave us living arrangements. Journey had to stay with Adventure and I had to stay with Poppy until the fuzzlings could build us our new houses. Me and Poppy went to Satin and Chenille's pod and they made me new outfits. After we left to go to the furniture store to buy furniture for my new room in her pod. It took us all day, but after we finished we went back to her pod and organized everything.

I tired her out from talking too much. So as soon as she went to bed I got into my PJs and was about to get into my bed, until I saw sparkles floating around me. They were green and purple. I got up and walked around the whole room looking to see if they followed me. They did! What are these things and why are they following me?

*Present Time*

The next day I woke up to the sunlight shinning in through my window. I got out of bed and went to my closet. I slid open the door and decided to were my shirt and denim skirt set. I got dressed and went to Poppy's kitchen. I saw her at the stove cooking something. I sat down at one of the chairs. "I thought you didn't know how to cook." I told her. Then remembering my manners quickly added. "Good morning."

"Good morning." She told me. "Actually for the past few weeks I've been taking cooking lessons with Branch." She told me while looking at a recipe book. "What have you learned to make so far?" I asked her. "So far I can cook many breakfast foods like pancakes, grits, eggs, and sausage." She explained.

She finished cooking and me and her talked until we finished. We went out her door and went our separate ways. Of course I told her where I would be. After about half an hour later I finally made it to the library. Hopefully this place will have some information on the sparkles that were around me last night. I had to ride on that cart which was kind of fun to get into the library. Once I got in there I looked around for magic books. Turns out all of the magic books were on the top shelf. I pushed my hair to the ground, so I could get up there. It took me a second to regain my balance, but eventually I was able to stand straight.

I looked and found five really big books about magic. I was about to lower myself down until I started wobbling. I look down and saw a funk troll librarian worker moving a cart over my hair. She must not have seen me because she kept going. I closed my eyes and braced for the pain I was going to feel as I plummet to the ground. My hair slipped and I closed my eyes tighter. I thought I was going to fall until I felt soft hair cushion me from the ground. I slowly opened my eyes and looked over to see who saved me. It was Ocean?! The funk troll who rolled over me was already running over checking to make sure I was okay. Ocean followed her. They both started talking at the same time. "Are you okay?"

I nodded and got up. "Yeah I'm fine. Thanks Ocean." Ocean nodded and undid his hair. The funk troll ran back over me. "Are you sure you're okay?" She asked again. "Yeah I'm sure." I told her again. She got my books off the ground and sat them on a reading table. "Thanks uh..."

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