Chapter 19

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*At Creek and His Father's Hideout*

Once I made it to the hideout I could hear Creek shouting at Trollex and a small group of doves. "What do you mean you couldn't find the gray troll?!" Trollex and the doves shook their heads. Creek slumped back. "Ugh! This is pointless!" Barb and Riff ran over urgently. They started signing some type of message. "Oh.... So Poppy and Branch made it back to the Heart Tree? Ah. And Emerald has planned a sneak attack? Hmmmmm.... Okay then. We'll see how far she can get with that plan of hers!"

I hope they show up before we plan our attack. Creek stood up and yawned. "Well Imma get to bed now. Barb and Riff guard the guitar in that tent down there." Barb and Riff guard the guitar in that tent down there." Barb and Riff nodded, and with that, Creek and his father started off to bed. I better go see how the others are doing. I was about to start flying until someone grabbed me in a bag! "Hey! Who are you?! Let me out!" I started wiggling around in the bag. "Shush and stop wiggling! I'm a good guy. Just be quiet and I'll let you out when we get to the secret hideout." A familiar voice told me. "Who are you?" I repeated. "You'll see at the hideout, but you can't talk or Creek might hear us." I felt the bag shaking. We must be moving.

*A Few Minutes Later*

We stopped for a second and I heard a door opening. The bag started shaking harder as we walked on what felt like stairs. Soon after I heard another door open. We walked in and I got put down. I started feeling really scared. Someone opened the bag and I felt light streaming in. I looked up and saw Barb, Riff, Trollex, Guy, and DJ. "What in Trollstopia is going on?!" I shouted. "Shush!" They whispered. "I said to be quiet!" Barb whispered. "Look," Trollex started. "We know your confused and scared because you think we're rock zombies, but we're not. We just had to make Creek think that we are."

"See, we knew he had plans to zombified us, so we put gumdrops in our ears to block out the guitar waves. Ever since then, we've been sneaking out at night to send messages to everyone about our location. We've also been planning an attack on him, but we can't attack until we have enough trolls." Guy explained. "Please tell us you have other trolls or doves with you!" Barb pleaded. "I need a break from them." The others frowned. "Hey! You weren't that easy to get along with either!"

"Well I guess you'll be happy to know that I have Ocean, Iris, and Phoenix." I said. "Great! Where are they?" DJ asked. "That depends. Where are we?" I asked them. "This why you should've added holes in the bag Barb!" Trollex groaned. "If you two don't stop -" Guy cut in. "I whistled really loudly. "All of you stop!" They turned to me.

"Listen if you would just let me out, I can turn into a bird with a keen sense of sight. I could fly over the camp until I see the camp we set up." They looked at each other. "Sounds good to me." DJ said. Everyone else nodded their heads in agreement. "Great, but Imma need one of you to come with me so I can find my way back."

"Guess I'll go." Barb stepped forward. "Cool, just don't get scared." I smirked. She rolled her eyes. "I don't get scared." She said and with that she started leading me out. Before she did, she turned around to everyone else. "Riff if he asks where I went, you tell him I went to find more trolls to capture. Riff was playing with a stick. "Huh? Or something?" Barb rolled her eyes. "Trollex you tell Creek that." Trollex nodded and Barb started leading me out.

Once we made it out I grabbed an bald eagle feather and a camera out of my hair. I held the feather, turned into a bald eagle, and then turned around to Barb. She grabbed a twig and looked terrified. "Oh yeah sure. Why slay an eagle with a sword when you can use a twig?" I spoke with sarcasm. Before her terrified face faded, I used the camera and snapped like ten pictures. She glared at me. "You better delete those!" She said through clenched teeth. I smirked. "We'll see." Barb tried to grab the camera. "Nope!" I pulled it out of her way. "Now how do you wanna fly? Net? Bucket? Basket? Or maybe back?"

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