Chapter 20

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A\N: Wow Chapter 20 already?! Thanks to all of you who have stuck to this book for so long!! It means so much to me that you like it so much!!🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 All of you are amazing, beautiful, caring, talented people!! Thank you all so much!!!🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💙💙💙💙 *ahem* Anyway on with the show!🥰😇 Also I ain't gonna do no more chapter names. It takes too long to come up with the names.

Branch stopped in his tracks as his ear twitched to sudden noise. "What is it?" Poppy asked as she got out of the wagon. Branch turned to her. "I don't know. Something doesn't sound right."

Journey grunted from behind. "Oh really? I wonder...what...that...could be?" Branch shrugged. "I don't know." Journey rolled her eyes and continued pulling Adventure. "If we don't...find Ocean or...somebody to snap...Adventure out...of it...I'm mind!!!" She shouted out of breath. Branch continued looking around. "I think somebody's watching us." He put down the map and stood in front of Poppy. All of them stared intently at the tree, from which Branch heard the noise. Two figures jumped out and they all screamed. The two figures slowly came into view and Branch had grabbed a pinecone and threw it at the taller one.

The taller figure started trying to pull it off, so it wouldn't pull his hair. The smaller figure ripped it off the taller figure's head. "Ow!!!!" The taller figured revealed Ocean. "Seriously?!" He shouted at Branch. "Are you and Esmerald related?!" Iris flew over to Ocean and yanked it off his head - hard. Ocean screamed again. "Stop doing that!!" He shouted at Iris. "Don't make me tell them what you told me!" Iris threatened. Ocean groaned. "Fine! Just try not to yank my hair off."

Poppy, Branch, and Journey continued staring at both of them. Adventure's face was still blank. Ocean stared at him. "Did somebody tell him to not tell anymore jokes?" Journey nodded. "He won't move now! I've been dragging him for two hours in a hair wagon!!" Ocean dug in his hair and pulled out a book. "Oh that's all? That's an easy fix." He started turning the pages in the book. "Hummmmmmm......where is it? No not that page. This one maybe? No that isn't it. Aha! Here it is!" He opened the book to a page filled with jokes.

Journey stared at the page. "I don't get it." Ocean went over to Adventure and put the book in his hands. Adventure twitched his hand for a second, before he felt the cover. "Oh my....this is the limited addition joke book of 2016! Black leather cover, with a gold rainbow spine!" Adventure sniffed the book. "And it still has the new book smell!!" He jumped out of the wagon and started jumping around with excitement.

Journey stared at him. "Are you serious?!?!? That's all I had to do?!" Ocean nodded. "Yep!" Journey's eye twitched. Ocean stared at her. "Anyway," He went over to Poppy and Branch. "So long story short, Esmerald has her colors back, Barb, Trollex, Riff, GD, and DJ are not Rock Zombies, we've found Creek's hideout, Esmerald can turn into a dragon-" Branch held up his hand. "Okay we get it, she sent you to find us and Emerald, so we can all go into battle against Creek and his father. Ocean stared at them. "How did you? Nevermind, just follow me." He lead the way.

*Meanwhile With Esmerald, Phoenix, and Barb*

Barb continued leading us back to the hideout. I listened carefully to every direction she gave me. Finally we made it. "Swoop down there." She instructed. I landed swiftly, Barb disconnected the hangglider, and I turned into a troll. My leg didn't hurt as much, so I tried walking. I limped a little, but it didn't feel as painful, so I could walk. Barb led us to a small piece of wood covered by vines. Barb uncovered the vines, punched in a code and the door rose up. She lead us into a small, dark room.

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