See Ya Later, Losers

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I ran to the street Felicity told me where the attack was, but it seemed like somebody got there before me.

A giant dog thing was attacking this man, who seemed be holding a gleaming sword. "Guys, are you seeing this?" I asked my team on the other side of my comms.

"That's a really big gorilla," I heard Felicity say.

"Gorilla? No, that's a dog- not even a dog, it's like a giant hound."

"Hoss, it's a gorilla, how do you not see it?" Rene yelled in my ear.

"It's a dog," a deep voice said, which I recognized as John.

"That's weird, how do you guys see a gorilla but John and I see a dog?"

"Just explain the dog to me so I can look it up," said Felicity.

"Just imagine a black hound, twice the size of a tank. And uh, it has glowing red eyes, and teeth the size of a human."

"There's nothing on the internet that matches the description. Except this, it's from Greek mythology. A hellhound," she explained.

"Well, that totally makes everything better. A Greek myth came to life. . ."

The man now jumped on its back and was now attacking it from above. This guy obviously saw it like me and John.

"So, I'm guessing that guy isn't holding a baseball bat, right?" Rory pointed out.

"Baseball bat? No, it's a sword," I shook my head.

"Oh, that's reassuring," Curtis noted.

I was watching the whole thing fold out in front of me. The man was now stabbing its back, and it soon toppled over on the ground. I was going to help, but the man seemed to have it covered.

The man jumped off, and stabbed it. I wondered where the body was going to go when my eyes answered that question for me.

It turns into a pile of golden dust, that soon disappeared in the wind.

"Holy frak," Felicity whispered.

I don't know what they saw, but it must've been just as bad as what I saw.

The man stopped in his spot for a moment, and looked up straight at me.

Shit, he saw me.

Before jumping down, I asked the team, "Should we bring him in? He obviously knows what that thing is. And he might be a meta human."

When nobody answered, I decided that for myself. And I shot my arrow down on the pavement and I slid down like a zip line.

The guy looked startled, but that wasn't what I noticed.

He looked no older than 17. I assumed it was a man from above from his athletic build and tall stature, but I was wrong. This kid was probably still in highschool. He had dark side-swept hair. He had green eyes that shined in the sun. And he wore a plain navy blue t-shirt on and jeans, like a normal teenager would wear, but in my eyes, he didn't seem normal.

"Oh, uh, woah, I'm guessing you're the Green Arrow," the boy said.

I made sure my voice-changer was on before replying, "Yes."

"Okay, uh, thats cool. Nice to meet you, I guess, but I should get on going now," he slowly tried walking past me but I shot an arrow in his direction that landed on the wall. He jumped back and looked at me.

"I need to ask you some questions," I stated.

"How about, hmm... no?" And he ran off.

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