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Lmao did you really think I would tell you so soon?


"Oh, ____. Welcome," Mitsuki said before stepping to the side. I smiled. "Hey, Mitsuki. How are you?"

"Alright," he said as I walked inside.

"Follow me."

I followed him through the house and into the dining room. "Nice house."

"Thank you," Orochimaru said walking out of the kitchen. "You look... lovely," he said, gesturing to my baggy sweater and tights.


"Why don't you sit? I made ramen."

"Ramen?!" I exclaimed before sitting down.

He chuckled before sitting at the table, his son following not far behind him.

"I'm very glad you decided to join us for dinner."

"I'm happy to be invited," I said to Orochimaru.

When I wasn't slurping down noodles, we all talked. Mitsuki asked me questions about my past with Orochimaru and the others, and some other stuff. Overall, the dinner was very pleasant. When it was finished, Mitsuki walked me to the front door as he met me there.

"Can I ask you something else?"


"Is Orochimaru a man or a woman?"

I paused. "Hmm, I'm not sure this time."

"This time?"

"Uh- If he didn't tell you about his past, then I shouldn't, but he was a man when I met him."

"Oh, alright. Thank you."

I nodded. "If you need anything, feel free to ask. In a way, we're kind of like siblings," I said while ruffling his hair. "Anyways, bye."


When I was on the way home, I felt a familiar chakra and an arm wrap around me. I smiled. "Welcome back, Sasuke." He hugged me close to him and laid his head on my shoulder. "I missed you."

"I missed you too," I said before prying his arm off of me and standing next to him, wrapping his empty sleeve over my shoulder. He just looked down at me.


I shrugged. "We're still close, aren't we?"

"You're weird," Sasuke muttered. We walked home together and I immediately took my shoes off and flopped on the couch. "My feet hurt," I whined. "Why does everything have to be so far."

"Well, I was thinking about something along those lines."


"I was thinking," he paused. "We should finally get our own home."

"You mean, moving to the old Uchiha compound? You've mentioned it before."

He nodded. "We could knock down the walls and the other houses, and build a big house for us. We could use the ret of the space for other stuff."

I smiled and subconsciously put my hands on my stomach. "That sounds nice."

"We could make a playground or something for our future kids-"

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