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"Is it just me, or is ____... different?" Sasuke said.

Naruto and Shikamaru stared at him. "You haven't noticed yet?" Shikamaru said.

"Noticed... what?"

"She's been gaining weight..." Naruto trailed off.

"Yea, she looks good."

"And she's been... moody? Sick?"

"She's been sick?!"

Naruto laid his head on his desk and sighed and Shikamaru facepalmed.

"Ya know, Teme, you were once the second smartest guy I knew."


You sighed and leaned against Sakura's door for a moment.

'Walking all the way here was definitely a bad idea,' you thought with a long sigh. "My feet hurt," you whined to yourself before standing up straight and cracking your knuckles.

"Alright, ____. Be nice," you mumbled to yourself before knocking on the door. After a few moments, Sakura opened the door. She stared at you for a moment before swinging the door shut in your face. You stuck your foot in the door, then swung it open.

"Thank's for inviting me in, we gotta talk," you said before taking off your shoes and walking inside.

"I didn't invite you in, get out."

"Nah," you said before plopping down on her couch. "Man, my feet hurt. Anyways, c'mon, let's talk."

She sighed and sat on the couch next to you. "You have five minutes."

"I have however long I fucking feel like talking," you snapped back before turning to face her.

"First, I want to apologize."

She scoffed.

"Fine, I take it back, bitch." You pulled out the divorce papers and held them out to her. "I'm here so you can sign this." She reached out for the paper, and before she grabbed it, you yanked your arm back.

"If you rip this paper, I will rip your esophagus out your throat."

She scoffed. "Such harsh language coming from someone that wants something from me,"

You sighed. "Look, Sakura. I understand you're hurt, and I'm sorry. I truly am, and I wouldn't be pushing for you to sign this paper if I didn't have a good reason-"

"Sounds like something Temari said," she interrupted. "They affect more than just you? How? Who does this affect?"

You sighed and put your hand on your stomach. "Sakura," you mumbled. "Look just do it, okay? You dragging this out will just hurt more people in the long run, even Sarada hates seeing you like this."

"Oh, so you're turning my daughter against me too?"

"I asked about you because I was genuinely worried. I just- please, Sakura."

She rolled her eyes and stood up. "We're done here. I'm not signing anything until I'm ready, I don't care who else this affects. You just want me to sign the paper, so you can marry Sasuke, but he's still my husband so-"

"I don't want to give birth when I'm not married!" You exclaimed.


You pulled up your shirt a bit and put your hand on your stomach. "I'm about 18 weeks, almost halfway through my pregnancy."

She stared at you for a moment. "So... that's why- does Sasuke know?"

You shook your head. "Temari, Naruto, and Shika are the only ones that know. Please, Sakura, I know this is hard, but-"

Sakura screamed and punched her table, breaking it in half. You jumped back in surprise and stood up. "I can't believe this," she mumbled.

You stared at her for a moment. Sakura sighed then took the paper and held it against the wall and signed it. "Congratulations," she said bitterly. "I hope there aren't any complications," she mocked before stomping away. You sighed before walking towards the front door and sliding on your shoes.

Unknown to you, Sarada heard everything. She slipped down the stairs once Sakura went into her room.

"Is it true?" She spoke. You quickly whipped your head towards her. "Huh?"

"You're pregnant?"

"Ah, so you heard?"

She nodded.

"Yea, I am."

"So that's why you asked me about having a sibling," she mumbled. "What is it?"

You smiled. "A surprise, for now."

She nodded. "Can I," she paused.

"You wanna feel?" you asked with a small chuckle. A light shade of pink dusted her cheeks and she nodded. "Sure," you said. Sarada walked over to you and gently put her hand on your stomach.

"You're pretty big for 18 weeks."

"I know right?" you said with a chuckle. "How about we tell Sasuke together?"

"Are you sure you want me to- I don't wanna pry-"

"Nonsense, the way I see it, we're already family. Let's go to Naruto's office, then start planning." She nodded with a smile. "Right!"


Sasuke laid on the small couch in the Hokage's office while Naruto worked.

"When did you get a couch?"

"Ah, I got it for ____."

Before Sasuke could respond, you slammed the door open, surprising Naruto and Sasuke.

"Look what I got~," You said in a sing-song voice as you walk into the Hokage's office. Sarada followed you and slipped into the room after you.

"She signed it?" Sasuke said in shock, sitting up from the couch. "What did you do?"

"Hey, Sarada!" Naruto exclaimed.

"I'm a master of persuasion," you said before setting the papers on Naruto's desk. He stamped it with his Hokage stamp and you filed it away. "It's official. Sasuke you're now a divorced man."

"I wanna know how you did it," Sasuke said, walking over to you.

You smiled. "You'll find out later. Sarada and I are gonna get going. Do you need anything done before I go?"

"Where you guys going?" Naruto asked.

"It's a secret~," you said before turning your back to Sasuke and putting your hand on your stomach.

"OOhhhhh," Naruto said. "She knows?"

You nodded, then you gave Sasuke a kiss before leaving the office, so he couldn't question you any more.

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