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So, I just started watching Boruto, and I just want to share my opinions about a few things because I have no one to talk to it about. This a bit of a rant, you can skip if you want.

First of all, Damn Sakura got strong as shit but she dumb as shit for being with Sasuke. Like, she letting her child suffer and not know who her dad is because she wanted to marry a nigga for his looks AND I feel like she really don't fuck with the Sharingan. So... why have a kid with him? Why even MARRY this man?? Dumb as shit. She should put Sarada's feelings first and TELL HER ABOUT HER FUCKING CLAN!! I know her ass know a little bit of stuff about the Uchiha.

Second of all, Sasuke ain't shit. Worst dad and husband in the Boruto universe. I understand he don't want Sarada and Sakura to be affected by what he did but frfr everyone forgot, no one cares, he needa suck it up and at least send his daughter letters.

Number C, I feel soo bad that Naruto be too busy to be home. Like I can really tell that he love his kids but he just can't be there because he's the Hokage. I feel soo bad for them all like I wish I could do some of that work for him. Boruto is such a good big brother though.

R, Konohomaru gloweddd tf up omg and Udon with his snot jutsu? I LOST IITTT.

Five of all, I LOVEE Mitsuki. He funny af and sooo cute omg just adorable. And Sarada kinda cool. TBH she should leave the village and travel with Sasuke and leave Sakura's ass alone in the village to cry herself to sleep for making her suffer all this time without her dad. Also, TOBIRAMA ROLLED IN HIS GRAVEEEEE when she decided to be the Hokage. I feel it in my soul he would NOT be for it.

I did not know Bourto was like this, but it ain't bad. Anyways, onto the story!

When I walked out with Shinori, everyone who knows who he is, stared at him. Sasuke walked over to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

"You're here," he said.

Shinori nodded. "Congratulations, Uchiha," he said.

Sasuke narrowed his eyes at him. That's when Naruto, Hinata, and Shikamaru walked over.

"Shinori, good to see you," Naruto said while giving him a knowing look.

"I won't cause any trouble. It's just nice to get out the cell and celebrate with the woman I lo- I mean," He paused. "Yea, you get it."

"Remember, this is a test run to see if you can function in normal society," Shikamaru added.

"Away from ____," Sasuke said.

"Guys, relax. We don't want the other to know. It could fuck everything up," I said. "Let's just celebrate."

"Let's go help Ino and Temari set up the games," Hinata said.

"I doubt they would let me help, but sure," I said as we walked away.


Shinori stood by himself, sipping on some punch Mitsuki had given him.

"Hey," Sakura said.

Shinori paused and looked at her. "Hello."

"I don't think I've seen you around here before. I'm Sakura."

Shinori nodded. "Shinori."

"Are you a friend of ____'s?"

"I wouldn't call us friends, but I do care about her."

Sakura nodded. "I see. She's always been the type of person to attract many men." Sakura sighed. "It sucks that Sasuke is the one she chose, though."

"I agree," Shinori said. "But, they're good together. I don't ruin to in that," Shinori trailed off. "Anymore," he muttered under his breath.

"What made you want to give up?" Sakura said. "You're in love with ___, right? How can you stand to see her happy with someone else?"

Shinori shrugged. "Just as you said. I do love her, and I want her to be happy. I'm not," he trailed off. "I'm not the one for her. She deserves the Uchiha, someone that is a good person and will make her happy. Someone that won't hurt her."

"You can't be that person?"

Shinori shook his head. "No."

"Why not?"

"Why are you asking so many questions? Our situations aren't the same, so I won't be any help to you."

"Well, we could still help each other get over the heartbreak," Sakura said with a small blush. "We're kind of in the same boat here."

"You're not my type," Shinori said bluntly. "I will only ever have eyes for ____. I don't need to get over any heartbreak."

"I- That's not what I-"

"It is," Shinori said simply. "I would offer to be a friend, but I doubt I'll be in Konoha for very long."

"Why is that?"

Before Shinori could respond, "It's time for games!" Temari said.


"I will reign supreme!" I exclaimed.

"You won't be participating in some of the games. You'll be a prop."

"What?! No fair! There should be an eating contest!"

"Ramen eating contest!" Naruto exclaimed.

"Pie eating contest!"

"Burger eating contest!" Boruto exclaimed.

"All. Of. The. Above."

"How about we just stick to pie?" Sasuke said.


"WINNER WINNER!" I exclaimed with pie all over my face.

"You'll get sticky," Sasuke said with a sigh. "We should've done burgers."

"Told ya."


At the end of the night, once everything was cleaned up and everyone was gone, I plopped on the couch and sighed.

"Tired?" Sasuke said as he sat down next to me. I nodded. "Yeah. Today was fun."

He nodded and grabbed my leg, then started to massage my feet. "It was."

"I'm more excited for our baby to come. We've got so much stuff now. We need to set up the nursery and fold all that shit and-"

Sasuke chuckled. "Relax. we can start worrying about that tomorrow."

"Right," I said. "So, which one of our powers do you think your kids will have? The Sharingan or the Kurome?"

Sasuke shrugged. "It wouldn't matter either way."

"Oh! And we should tell them about our clans and past. I think that's something they should know-"

"I don't know about that."

"Sasuke Uchiha! We should know better than anyone that keeping secrets is shit and will only cause more problems."

"Yeah, but-" Sasuke sighed. "We can deal with this when the time comes, yea? How about we head to bed?"

"Sleep? Yes." 

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