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"Sakura!" Shinori exclaimed, slamming her against the wall of her living room. "You're being fucking crazy!"

"I saw the panties!" Sakura exclaimed. "You want her! If you take her, then I-I can be with Sasuke-"

"Fucking give up," Shinori hissed. "I won't be your toy. ____ deserves happiness."

"Well, what about me!" She exclaimed. "She's always gotten everything! She was always strong, always had the boys wrapped around her finger, even Sasuke! Why can't it be me!"

"You can't help who you love! Why do you think that only applies to you! Sasuke doesn't love you, and ____ doesn't love me! Get over it!"

"You don't understand!" Sakura punched Shinori, and he went flying, slamming against the wall. Your wedding invitation, which started this fight, landed on his head.

"I don't understand?!" Shinori exclaimed, standing from the dent in the wall. "I love her too, but she wants him! Somehow, after everything I did, I'm fucking sane enough to move on-"

"Says the sick fuck stealing her panties!"

"Yeah, well at least I'm not trying to break them up! Move the fuck on, Sakura. You're fucking crazier than me!"

"Oh, you're such a hypocrite!"


You smiled and sat on Sasuke's lap on your couch. "So, what movie are we watching?"

"No idea what this is," Sasuke said, wrapping his arms around you.

You rolled your eyes. "So, you're watching something random... and didn't even look at the name?"

"Pretty much," Sasuke said.

You sighed and shook your head. "You're hopeless."

"Hopelessly in love with you," Sasuke said.

"Don't be so mushy!" You exclaimed, pushing his face away. "So, what's next?"

"What do you mean?" Sasuke said.

"The wedding is in a few weeks," you trailed off. "What happens after that?"

"We just live our lives," Sasuke said with a shrug. "happy together."

"Sounds boring," you said.

Sasuke rolled his eyes. "Why would that be boring?"

You shrugged. "Just... finally getting what we want is basically the end of the story, right? I mean, our story. We'll finally be together, so no more drama or anything. Just... bland."

"Don't look at it so bleakly like," Sasuke said. "Just because we're together doesn't mean we'll have a boring life. Just no fighting, unless you decide to be a ninja again."

"I'll pass," you sighed. "These old bones-"

"You're not old, idiot." 

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