Chapter 26

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~~Last chapter~~

"Don't cry, Sasu-cakes."

Sasuke sighed. "We've been through so much, and it's all been my fault. I just-"

I put my hand on top of his and shook my head. "It's okay, Sasuke. Every relationship has their shit, right? Like the book said, we're together at last. After all this time, we're finally together, with kids. We're a family."

Sasuke pulled me into his lap and hugged me tightly. "I'm so sorry," he mumbled. I wrapped my arms around his neck and caressed his hair. "We've been through so much, this is nothing," I said with a small chuckle as tears fell down my cheeks. "We're okay."


"Awwww!" Naruto exclaimed. "It did work!"

"Really?!" Sarada exclaimed.

I chuckled and stood up. "How the hell did you make this?!"

"Well...." Boruto said.

"Ya know, I was wondering that too," Sasuke said.

"Never mind that!" Sarada said. "What matters is that you two are together again!"

"But, we've never taken any pictures back then, so?" I paused. "How? Time travel?"

"Uh.." Boruto said. "I think I hear mom calling me! No wait- It's Himawari! I should get going."

I grabbed Boruto by his ear. "Hell no. Explain, now."

"Why don't we just tell them that Shinori helped us go into the past to take pictures of them for a scrapbook, so they could be reminded of their love for each other and stop fighting?"

"Mitsuki! Again?!" Sarada said.

Suddenly, one of the twins started crying. "Saved by the babies!" Boruto said with a chuckle.


"Hey, Shinori," Naruto said as he walked to his nice cell.

"Lord Seventh," Shinori said. "What brings you by?"

"What you did for ___ and Sasuke," Naruto paused. "You did a good thing."

Shinori shrugged. "_____ deserves the world. She's," he paused. "Perfect. The Uchiha just needs to recognize what he has. What I did was nothing. I'd do anything for her happiness."

Naruto smiled. "I think you've gotten a lot better compared to when you first got here."

"Yeah," he said. "I hate to say it, but it's all thanks to you."

Naruto chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck. "I can't take all the credit, but, for what you did, I've decided to let you go." Naruto opened his cell.

"No more jail?" Shinori said.

"No more jail. I'll still be keeping an eye on you, but you're allowed to live freely in the village."

Shinori smiled. "Thank you, but I lack the funds to actually get my own place-"

"If ____'s okay with it, you can stay at her old house."

Shinori smiled. "Alright. Thank you."


I giggled as Sasuke kissed my neck while I rocked Mikoto.

"Sasuke, I have to put the twins to sleep."

"Hn," he said before wrapping his ARM around me. "They're fine. Sakumo is practically asleep already, and Mikoto is calm."

"You just wanna do the nasty. That can wait."

"Whenever we get started they start crying," Sasuke mumbled before he bit down on my neck.

"S-Sasuke. Quit it!"

"Alright, alright," he said. "Want something to eat?"


Sasuke chuckled and kissed my forehead. "I love you."

"And I love you," I said with a small smile.

Sorry for the million year wait, and short chapter. I just... lost motivation to write for a while, but I'm back!!!! Did yall miss me. 

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