____ and Sasuke, together at last.

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Before we get to the final chapter, I just wanna thank everyone for sticking through with my inconsistent updates! This series was super fun to right. I don't want it to end, but alas, all things must end eventually. I also wanna reiterate that this is an ALTERNATE ending to my book "My Purpose" which isn't finished yet. The ending to that book will be different... this just came from a random thought of like, instead of that ending (which I don't plan on spoiling) what if ____ got kidnapped? And here we are! Soon, I'll end up focusing on completing My Purpose. I've just been procrastinating because Naruto is long as shit, and I took a break from writing during my last year of college.

Please check out my other books. Some of them are shit, so I plan on rewriting many of them, but I still think they're worth a read!

Anyways, onto the final chapter. ____ and Sasuke, together at last...


"Sasuke, _____," Naruto said with a huge grin. "You two are my best friends. We've been through so much together as a team, and even recently. I'm so glad you two are finally able to get your happy ending."

You dabbed under your eyes with your finger to keep yourself from crying. Sasuke held your hands and stared into your eyes.

"As the Hokage, I now declare you two husband and wife!" Naruto said with a grin. Sasuke wasted no time, not even letting Naruto finish his sentence before he pulled you to him. You giggled and cupped his face. Sasuke leaned down and kissed you.

"I didn't even- whatever, kiss your bride, Sasuke!" Naruto exclaimed.

The few guests that were at the small wedding cheered, throwing confetti into the air (per your request) as you and Sasuke kissed.

"I can finally call you my wife," Sasuke said while pressing his forehead against yours.

"Mr. Sasuke Konton!" You said with a giggle. Sasuke rolled his eyes."Ms. ___ Uchiha."


Shinori had a small smile on his face as Sasuke led you away from the small party, outside of the house.

"You're here," you said.

"I'm here," Shinori said. "You look beautiful, _____."

"Thank you," you said.

"You got five minutes," Sasuke said before walking away, back into the house.

"____," Shinori said.

You looked at him, tucking some hair behind your ear. The moonlight shined down perfectly on the two of you. "Congrats," he said. "I'm happy for you."

"Are you really?"

"Bittersweet," he said. "Happy you're happy, but-" He paused. "I guess that doesn't matter anymore, huh?"

You were speechless.

"I didn't come here to make you feel bad on your special day," Shinori said. "I just wanted to say goodbye."

"Goodbye?" You said.

"Yeah," he said. "Gonna take some time to myself. Don't worry your pretty head though." Shinori put his hand on your head. "If you ever need me, just say the world and I'll be here in a heartbeat."

You smiled up at him. "Thank you, Shinori. I know there's still some... bad feelings here, but I'm glad you ended up being a good person. Someone who would protect my home."

"I'd do anything for you," he said. "...except be around that Sakura girl again. Hard pass."

You both chuckled.

"This is it, huh?" You said.

"Yeah," Shinori said. "I'll drop by every now and then to bring you gifts, how does that sound?"

"Sounds good," you said.

Shinori leaned down and kissed your forehead. "Goodbye, ____."

"Bye, Shinori."

Then, he disappeared.


(I recommend playing Dangerously In Love by Beyonce. It seems fitting for the end of this. I'll add a link above but I have no idea if it works.)

"I love you so much," You said while kissed all over Sasuke. His forehead, then his nose, then both of his cheeks, then down his jawline. "I love you. I love you. I love you."

"I love you more," Sasuke said, gripping your hips. "I'm so glad we're finally together."

"Me too," you said. "We finally got our happy ending."

Sasuke nodded and kissed you. You happily kissed him back. "Why don't we take the kids on a little adventure, hm?"

"Could be fun," you said. "Sarada too I hope."

"Of course," he said. He grabbed two glasses from the table next to you and gave you one. "To a new beginning?"

"How cheesy," you giggled.

Sasuke rolled his eyes. "It's our wedding night. We're supposed to be cheesy."

"I'd prefer to not be cheesy," you teased.

Sasuke rolled his eyes. You laughed and drank from your glass. "To a new beginning."

"Who's cheesy now?" Sasuke said.

"Oh, fuck you," you said.

"Sure," Sasuke said with a small smirk. He flipped you two over, making you drop your glass on the floor. "Sasuke!" You squealed with a giggle. The glass rolled across the floor, spilling soju all over the floor. 

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