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I yawned and laid on the couch in the Hokage's office. Sakumo laid on my chest, asleep.

"Things have been pretty chill around here lately," Shikamaru said. "Looks like you finally get a break, Lord Hokage."

"Yeah," Naruto said. He sat Mikoto on his desk and was playing with her. Shikamaru touched the bow in her hair and chuckled.

"Cute right?" Naruto said. "I did it!"

I chuckled. "Yeah, it's very cute."

"Sakumo is always sleeping," Shikamaru said.

"Just like his momma."

"I don't always sleep!" I exclaimed.

Then, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in!" Naruto said as he handed Mikoto to Shikamaru.

"Hi," Shinori said. "I'm checking in."

"Good to see you," Naruto said. "Where were you these past few days?"

"I had a cold," he said.

"Sure you weren't spending time with Sakura~" Naruto said.

"Uh, I actually wanted to talk to you about that," Shinori said. "I'm worried about her. She just wants to break up ___ and Sasuke."

"It must be bad if you're saying something's wrong," I said.

"Yeah," Shinori said. "She seems like a sweet girl. She just has her heart in the wrong place, I guess."

"Sarada tried talking to her, but she doesn't wanna move on," I said. "I feel bad."

"Yeah," Naruto said. "I'm not sure how to help. Maybe you should talk to Ino?"

"I did," Shinori said. "I don't know what else to do."

"Yeah," Naruto said.

Shinori shuffled awkwardly on his feet and looked around.

"Something else on your mind?" I chuckled. Mikoto started yanking on Shikamaru's hair.

"Can I hold one?" Shinori said. "One of your kids. I've never held a baby before." \

"Sure," I said. "Sit beside me."

I sat up, and Shinori sat next to me. Then I gave him Sakumo. Shinori sat stiffly with him in his arms.

Naruto started laughing. "You look nervous."

"Uh, yeah," Shinori muttered.

"Relax a bit," Shikamaru said.


"I'm home!" I exclaimed as I walked into my house.

"Dad?" Sarada said.

"I made lunch," Sasuke said.

"You cooked?" I said with a chuckle.

"Really, Dad?" Sarada said. She set Mikoto in her bouncer, and Mikoto reached for Sasuke.

"Just Onigiri," Sasuke said. "Since I had nothing to do today."

"Ooh, Sasuke the househusband. I like it," I chuckled.

Sasuke rolled his eyes.

"I don't think I've ever seen you cook, dad," Sarada said.

"Hn." Sasuke shrugged and walked into the kitchen.

"Can I say something before we go inside?" Sarada said.

"Of course," I said.

"I'm a little envious of my siblings," she said. "They're gonna grow up knowing dad. They'll have you and dad together and happy their entire lives." She looked down. "I didn't have that. When I see you all together, I question if dad ever really loved my mom, if he ever really loved me."

I put my hand on her shoulder. "I don't know what things were like for you before, but I assure you, your dad has always loved you. He's not very good at showing his emotions, but he cares about you."

"Yeah," Sarada said. "I met him for the first time a year or two ago. I just think, why wasn't he there for me? Was it mom's fault?"

I sighed. "Honestly, I can't even give you a straight answer because I don't know. All I know is that Sasuke loves you dearly."

"Yeah," Sarada said. "You're right, ____."

"Duh, I'm always right."

Sasuke poked his head out from the kitchen. "Lunch."

I chuckled. "Yeah yeah," I said.

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