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"Oh my god!" Sarada said. "Twins!"

I smiled and nodded. "Yes. Sarada, meet Sakumo and Mikoto."

"Hello," she said as she looked at them. "Mikoto is Sasuke's mother's name."

"Really?" she said. I nodded. "Yes."

"So, where is dad?"

"Gone," Naruto said. "Temari is taking some time to look for him, but with his Rinnegan, who knows where he went," Naruto said.

"Oh," Sarada said.

"It's okay," I said. "He'll come back."

Sarada nodded. "Yes. Be careful, and remember to support the head. Also, Naruto, what about Shinori? He came here when you went to the office."

"He did?!"

I nodded. "He wanted to look for Sasuke, but I told him to check in with you."

"He left a note that said he would be back, that's it."

I sighed. "When he comes back, please don't be too harsh on him, okay?"

Naruto nodded. "Alright. Now, I have to get going. Sarada, watch over her, okay?"

"I will!"

"Send Kakashi my way when you see him," I said as Naruto left the room.

Sarada and I sat in silence as she rocked Sakumo.

"So, why did dad leave?"

I sighed. "He did some," I paused. "Pretty shitty things in the past, and he still feels guilty for it. I guess something happened that made him want to leave again."

"What did he do?"

"I know I usually tell you whatever you wanna know, but I think we should talk about that another time."

She nodded. "That bad, huh?"

I chuckled. "I guess you could say that."


It took two months for me to hear from Shinori again. It was a simple letter delivered by a bird.

I found him, and I'll bring him back to you no matter what.

I sighed and tossed the paper into the trash. Sarada was sitting in the nursery with the babies, so I went to get us some pizza.


"Hello, Boruto."

"How're the babies? Can I come to see them?"

I nodded. "Sure. Sarada is watching them right now, I wouldn't mind another helping hand."


I chuckled.

~~another time skip~~

"It's been three months and Sasuke still isn't back," I muttered with a sigh.

"I can look again if you want," Temari said. I shook my head. "No, it's okay."

Temari pulled me into a hug. "You don't have to act strong around me. I know you're hurt."

"I'm fine," I muttered. "Don't worry about me. I'll be fine."

She sighed. "If you say so."

~~~~~~~~~YEe what if I made a discord for everyone that likes my books?~~~~~~~~~

I sighed as a rocked a crying Sakumo and Mikoto in one arm. "It's alright, my loves," I muttered.

"Need any help?"

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