3: Petite Suite

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That afternoon Pip found Leo at his locker. The boy was searching like a maniac through the mounds of textbooks situated in his locker. Pip had swam through Math's and was trudging through the halls when he found Leo in a state of disarray. From the small amount of moments he had shared with the boy he perceived him to be carefree and filled to the brim with terrible jokes. But in that moment cracks started to form and stress warranted over his face.

Pip walked carefully towards the crime scene. Leo must of heard the pattering of dainty feet because he spun around instantly. His once panicked face washed over with a painted smile. His eyes took longer to fit the role. Leo snatched up his bag and slammed his locker which resulted in the boy flinching. He took a gulp and waved despite how frazzled he looked.

Pip glanced him over, venturing through every slight inconsistency in his face. Leo strung together a great lie so Pip gave up.

"You ready for an adventure?"Leo asked enthusiastically.

Pip was yet to understand the complexities of Leo's personality.

"I thought adventures were meant to be exciting." Pip droned.

Leo got a grip of Pips sleeve and tugged him away from the lockers. Pip shook off his grip.

"Aren't you excited?" Leo smiled widely.

He was like a human sunshine, his face was constantly beaming with unwarranted happiness.

"Definitely not the word I would use to describe my current state." Pip said fearfully.

Leo began to chuckle. His throat made gracious soft hums, there was a strange light that followed him around. Leo was like the baby sunshine from Teletubbies, constantly happy and extremely creepy. Though Pip had to admit Leo's laugh was flooded with layers of artistry.

"You are coming with me to meet my bestfriend but you sound like I'm taking you to Jurassic Park." Leo said.

Pip watched the boy walk carelessly out the school gate and almost trip on his own feet. Leo noticed and was civil enough to attempt to hold back the laugh that was seeping through his lips.

"I don't know why I'm trusting you. You could be hiding a shiv in your pockets." Pip mumbled.

Leo dug his long fingers into his pockets and pulled them out. There was no weapon or any type of explosive in fact their was nothing in his pockets.

"If I was going to murder you I would do a better job than that." Leo assured him.

It took a few more moments for Pip to realise that this was his longest conversation with anyone besides his mother. He waited for tightness to latch onto his throat or for concern to infiltrate his head but the swarm of distress never came. The only thing he feared was meeting this new 'Friend'.

"How reassuring." Pip pushed his new record.

Leo tied down the smile that was clearly about to erupt on his face.

"You're odd you know that?" Leo voiced.


The pair made it to a quiet and intensely eerie park. That is when the storm started. Maybe it was Pips imagination but Leo was actually quiet. He should definitely run but he prodded along with the stranger who by looking over extensively is creepy.

"It's getting a bit dark I should go home." Pip blurted.

Leo turned to face him.

"The suns still out." Leo chuckled.

The more he relived the moment it sounded like an evil cackle. Pip was about to turn and sprint like a madman but a sweet voice stopped his trail of thought.

"Who is this?" The voice asked.

Pip looked up and saw a pretty girl. She had shiny amber eyes and brown frizzy hair that matched her skin.

"This is Pip, Pip this is Annie." Leo explained.

"If you two are going to kill me please consider my mum I'm her bestfriend." Pip choked prepared for his death.

The pair did not stab him or set him on fire or reenact any of the thoughts Pip was filled with. Instead they showered him with loud laughs.

"He has a wandering imagination." Leo told Annie.

Pip opened the eyes that he hadn't realised were squinted. Pip adjusted himself and gave a twitching smile.

"Will you be my friend?" Pip asked the new girl.

Annie and Leo shared an amused glance.

"Please." Leo begged.

The gave looked as thought she might be thinking through the question.

"Fine but no more murder talk." She warned.

Pip nodded in agreement. When he finally looked to Leo he wasn't surprised to see a cheery smile.

The rest of the afternoon followed Leo and Annie as they talked enthusiastically about all sorts of things Pip didn't understand. He watched them light cigarettes and made sure he stood his distance, second hand smoke was a slow killer. His mother smoked and she would always warn him away from her. By the time Annie and Leo shoved the edge of their papers into the ground Leo was back to his feet.

"We best be off." Leo suddenly projected.

For some reason this provoked a laugh from Annie.

"I see you're still scared of the dark." Annie teased.

She got to her feet and fondled with the fluffy hair on his head.

"I'm not scared of the dark I'm scared of what happens in the dark." Leo explained.

Annie raised a perfect brow.

"Murder, muggings, kidnappings and losing stuff." Leo tripped on his words.

Annie couldn't help herself and tripped into a black hole of judging chuckles. Leo rolled his eyes dramatically and grabbed Pips arm. He quickly shook off the grip.

"We are escaping the darkness lets see if I see you tomorrow, who knows what will happen to you out in the dark." Leo walked off.

Pip followed.

"Where are we going?" Pip asked surpassing his worry.

"I'm walking you home I was sort of hoping you would take the lead at some point." Leo explained.

Pip was going to ask why but decided that would be stupid because Leo seemed to do all sorts of things without reason. Maybe he did have a reason but that would be another strange thing about him. Pip walked ahead and they trudged their way to Pip's flat. They walked in a comfortable silence and every so often Leo would point out graffiti on the walls and begin a tangent about art. Sometimes he would even discuss how his fear of the dark was perfectly logical. Eventually they arrived at his red door. The old bricks staring intently at them. They stood for a moment before Pip nodded a goodbye and prepared himself to open the door.

"See you tomorrow!" Leo called behind him.

Pip closed the door and waddled coldly inside. His mother was sat at the table with an entertained facial expression. Her green eyes were gleaming with joy.

"Who was that?" She asked happily.

Pip let out a sigh.

"I made two friends today." Pip announced.

His mother stood up abruptly. She started towards Pip and gave him a firm hug. After a while she finally released him.

"That's great! I knew this list was a good idea, what are their names?" She asked.

Pip gave her smile.

"Leo and Annie." He answered.

"A girl huh, seems you might actually finish this list." She beamed like she was Leo although he had perfected his craft much better.

After a short conversation Pip made them both dinner and headed up to his room. He prepared his clothes for the next day and sat himself down in front of his keyboard. Instead of being held captive by a realm of sweet sounds he thought about his new friends and felt a huge wave of relief wash over him.

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