14: Lyriske Stykker

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The soft words drove him away from the truth. He opened his eyes that he had only just realised were closed. He realised he was sat with his knees tucked into his face. Patrick was gone and Leo stood above him. with a worried expression displayed on his normally light face. He broke his last promise but he promised to keep the thoughts away from him until he was home to fight them off. What confused Pip was when Leo hand him his jacket.

"Why?" Pip mumbled.

Pip looked to his arms and realised he was shaking. The repercussions of the truth.

"Are you alright Pip?" Leo asked softly.

Pip nodded. Leo held out a hand to pull him up. Normally Pip would deny the help but his thoughts weighed him done. He knew that Leo knew that he hated touch, Leo was always kind and he offered his hand and didn't mean Pip had to take it.

Pip stretched his arm out very reluctantly. It took forever for his hand to reach Leo's. He wrapped his long fingers around Leo's hand in a tight firm grip. He had not felt another hand in his, not since he could remember. He had hands scorched into his memory but he couldn't remember one that held onto his with such kindness. No touch had made him shiver without pain, but Leo's hand wash warm and oddly comforting.

He got to his feet. He unravelled his fingers from Leo's hot skin, his hands feeling awfully bare.

"Pip you don't have to be alright." Leo whispered.

Pip didn't think over the words and started to walk through the gates.

"Pip." Leo whispered.

Pip turned back and gave him a smile before rushing off to class.


Pip trudged to the gates with his backpack holding the secrets that spilled from his head. He felt a ghost trail behind him, already knowing who the mystery figure was he continued to stalk forward.

He hadn't known Leo that long but he knew that the boy was incredibly persistent. Pip pretended not to notice the crunch of leaves that followed him. It did not bother Pip all that much but it meant he would have to fight his battle more strategically.

For an unknowable reason Pip felt discomforted by the silence, the silence that had been his preferred habitat for so long. His throat ached with the words that with enough courage he would be able to project, and maybe that same force was running through his bloodstream at that moment.

"Is this how you would kill someone?" Pip mumbled.

The faint tickle of laughter caught Pips ears. He did not turn.

"Would you follow them home from school,"

Pip tapped his feet loudly against the chisels concrete.

"Would you remain silent and hope the crackle of leaves wouldn't give it away?" Pip spoke.

The air against his skin boiled as Leo appeared at his side.

"Are you studying the practise?" Leo unleashed his jubilant smile.

His smile was a universal cure that marginally eased the swirl of fire and bullets that ravaged Pips body.

"No but it seems to be that you are studying me." Pip choked.

Leo dragged his gaze to the ground, a strange shadow lingering over his bright persona.

"I must research my victims." Leo joked dryly.

Pip stared blankly at the boy as his face remained neutral.

"Why did you follow me?" Pip asked.

Leo came to a sudden halt. He stared at Pip waiting for him to face him. An unknown force pounded in Pips chest and a subtle pain erupted in the pit of his stomach.

"I'm sorry Pip but I am going to kill you." Leo smiled cheekily.

Pip forced down the cue of giggles lined up in his throat, and kept a straight face.

"Lion." He whispered.

The boy gulped.

"I was worried." Leo said.

Pip had never been a good swimmer, there were many public pools but never had he had a lesson. He regretted that now. He couldn't gasp for air as he drowned in the blue before him. He couldn't escape the azure as it traveled through every part of his body. The water was cold and scattered sparks over his skin. It was the sound of a leave crackling that pulled him out of the water.

"It's seems you were possessed by a ghost." Leo mumbled happily.

Pip drifted away after that. The light chatter crushed under the weight of Pips war torn head.

When the pair reached Pips door, he didn't hesitate to race inside.

"Good bye." Leo called but Pip was already gone.

Pip hurdled up the stairs and fell to the floor. His body numb and unable to move. He stared at the plain ceiling with sparks in his chest and concrete planting him to the floor. The next day came closer and closer.

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