18: Aufschwung

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It was 5am and Leo Miller was outside Pip's window. The list was beyond the point of crinkled and embarking on journeying the realm of scrap balls. Pip gored over number seven the words beating to erratic rhythm in his head.

Skip school.

Pip continued to wonder why his mum would be condoning and in fact encouraging such behaviour. His mother should want him to go to school he is lucky to have an education he shouldn't be throwing it away. That is why he hasn't missed school since he was beaten to a pulp. The task was so stupid and he couldn't understand what made him actually want to do it. He was so set on not doing the task but morning came and a strange boy stood outside his house.

Pip changed into a jumper and trousers before skipping down the stairs. His mother was already out so he didn't bother silencing his thumps. The house was drenched in darkness as the sun continued to sleep. Pip opened the door and cold air attacked him.

Leo looked all to please with himself. Pip watched the boys darkly sky soaked features.

"Can I ask what you are doing here this early?" Pip asked.

Leo stretched out his arm and held it there for a few moments as if to ask permission. Pip smiled in response and Leo dragged him off the premises.

"We are businessman and we are going to complete this job." Leo projected enthusiastically.

Pip had noticed how Leo never yelled not when he was excited or mad he hadn't for a while. It was strange, whenever he got very passionate about something (like his rambles about veganism) instead of screaming he whispered. Pip feared Leo knew something, what was more scary than that was the idea didn't scare him.

"For a businessman you look awfully underdressed." Pip followed after him.

Leo chuckled and Pip followed after him. Was he thinking through any of it? No. He couldn't put the pieces together and he wouldn't see the completed puzzle for a while.

"Where are we going?" Pip asked.

Leo didn't answer and instead offered Pip the world with just the quirk of his lips.

"Can I ask you a question?" Leo turned briefly to face him.

Pip nodded. Friction exploded in his stomach as conflicting emotions tormented each other.

"Why do you need to complete this list?" Leo asked.

Pip gulped down the blistered skin in his throat and breathed in the tingling air. Pip hated to lie and he hated the truth.

"My mum gave it to me,"

Leo stopped to watch him. All attention loitered on him making fear bubble in his veins.

"She was worried about me, if I don't finish it she'll send me to a, you know." Pip couldn't say the words the cords in his throat would snap before he could mutter it.

Leo stared into Pips eyes. Discomfort knotted around him causing him to stare to the ground. When Leo started to walk again the tightness fled. A world of questions filtered through his head.

"Can I ask you a question?" Pip smiled.

Leo snickered and nodded.

"A while ago you said Annie's brother hated you, why is that?" Pip asked.

Leo laughed. It wasn't sweet or his usual sunny laugh it was hoarse and mixed with a tinge of pain.

"You remember that?" Leo asked.

His voice was oddly scratchy. Pip nodded.

"His name is Terry," Leo took a deep sigh.

"We were dating and well he wanted to umm, he wanted to have sex and I said no." Leo said flatly.

No emotion lived in the hollowed tree trunk that was his voice. Dating? Leo dated Annie's brother. Brother. Pip shrugged off the shiver that catapulted over his skin. It wasn't important that Leo had dated a brother. Something exploded inside him.

"Sounds like an asshole, sorry." Pip said slightly hurt.

Leo glared oddly at him.

"Now you sound like Annie." Leo chuckled.

"It's not all his fault." Leo told him.

Pip raised a brow.

"He hates you because you didn't want to sleep with him." Pip worded.

Pip wasn't sure what made his stomach radiate anguish or what covered his bones in tar, but it hurt. Was he dying?'

"Oh well I don't care now anyway." Leo smiled widely.

Pip felt the terror subside and was left with a warm wave crashing in his chest. Pip reached his arm out to curl his fingers around Leo's wrist. He didn't have the right words dancing on the tip of tongue. They continued to walk, Pip's fingers bursting with flames.

"Can I ask you another question?" Pip mumbled filled with nerves.

"Wait a moment." Leo signed excitedly.

Leo pulled him around many corners and through market places until they reached a large building. Old bricks grew around spurts of green and a large window stared down at them. The puddled and cracked pavements were forgotten when such a grand and beautiful building looked above. Pip stood and stared, the whole world shrunk around him.

"What- where did you bring me." Pip barely got the words out.

Leo didn't utter a word and instead hauled him inside. A beautiful universe of dusty books and mahogany desks formed around him. The scent of old pages wafted through the warm air. The large space encompassing many places to stare but Pip found him self entranced by the blue eyes beside him.

"I-whe-did you- I." Pip couldn't speak.

Leo's lips bursted with warmth as he herded Pip towards a bookshelf. Pip studied the differing colours of the spines and the doors that locked away worlds of wonder. Pip picked up a book and a note slipped out. He furrowed his eye brow and picked it up.

We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.

Pip held the note in his hand and looked around. He faced Leo and showed him the note. For some reason it was cause for an explosion of laughter. Oh.

"You?" Pip couldn't help but join in the laughter.

Leo wriggled out of Pips grips and placed the note in Pips trouser pocket.

"You've read Lady windmeres fan?"

Leo melted into a sun kissed grin that produced a wave of confusing sensations to wash over Pip.

"I've read all of Oscar." The boy smiled.

Stars, pip thought. A tickling constellation formed in his chest and he had never felt so, felt so everything. There wasn't word for that. Oh shit there wasn't words for that. Pip started to worry but was quickly dragged out of the ocean he created for himself. It was a smile that saved him.

"All?" Pip pressed.

Leo nodded.

"You are quite brilliant." Pip accidentally huffed.

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