4:Bunte Blätter

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Pip was having trouble completing the first task. For some reason hope had consumed him and he thought just because he now had two friends it would be easy to complete the activity. He asked his mothers coworkers at the bakery but she would always catch him and tell him that it doesn't count. He asked the cashier at Tesco but he was too stoned to understand him and tried to buy weed from him. He even started bribing but that didn't work because he had nothing to trade. Leo told him he was overthinking it, he obviously had never been handed a list by his mother who was going to send him to a shrink. Annie had better advice even if he didn't understand it, he guessed that was the definition of good advice.

It was a strange couple of weeks of having friends. He was not prepared to give up his study sessions and he told them that but Leo suggested they should study together which after Leo begged Annie to say yes she reluctantly agreed. The other two did not give an exact date so he scheduled it for this coming afternoon. Annie offered her house but Leo said it was bad idea because her brother hated him for a reason neither of them mentioned. So they all agreed to go to Leo's house.

He sat up in his bed and waited impatiently for his alarm to radiate loud sounds through the house and when it did he was on his feet. He changed into a yellow jumper he had knitted himself and dragged on his blue trousers. When he entered the kitchen his mum was sipping her tea, she did not have work today. The kettle still held boiled water and Pip was extremely tempted but he couldn't be late.

He hugged his mother and set off to school. He was listening to some real funky Bach but irritation prodded his back. He turned to see the curled boy. He pulled out his ear plugs.

"I see you are walking to school. May I join you?" Leo said cordially.

Pip stared at him for longer than a moment.

"I can't stop you." Pip mumbled in reply.

They both walked in unison to school and Pip placed his earplugs back in. All was blissful until something yanked on the ear plug wires. He stared at Leo with an evil glare.

"Whatcha listening to?" Leo grinned.

Leo and his slightly annoying smiles would be the end of him if he wasn't shipped to a therapist first.

"Music." Pip responded flatly.

"Can I listen." Leo was filled with endless words and infinite joy.

Pip clutched the wires in his hands.

"No." Pip chipped.

"So can I have your number so I can send you my address?" Leo asked.

Pip stuffed his earplugs into his pocket losing hope of serenity and peace.

"Aren't we walking their after school anyway?" Pip asked, confused.

Leo shoved his defined hands into his black jumper uncomfortably. Unsaid words played on his lips.

"Okay then, can I have your number?" Leo tried again.

Despite his words his lips still longed to say something else. He wrenched his eyes away from the unspoken evidence.

"Why?" Pip asked.

Leo cleared his throat loudly which Pip thought was extremely dramatic.

"What if I get kidnapped and need you to save me." Leo suggested.

Pip stared.

"What sort of lousy kidnapper would let you keep a mobile." Pip began to point out the flaws in his reasoning.

Leo began to speak but Pip was going to enjoying debunking his answer.

"Why me what about I don't know the police?" Pip raised both of his brows.

Leo stared attentively like Pip was on fire.

"And why would I save you? And how I can't fight." Pip concluded.

Leo smiled smugly. His answer was debunked Pip did not understand his out of place facial expressions.

"Fine that scenario was flawed, but what if I..." Leo trailed off.

His insane scenarios continued the whole way to school. Pip mocked them each time. When they reached the gates and the bell rung Pip was already launching towards the class room without another word. How could he be just on time? He had left at the same time that morning the only thing unusual was his company and apparently that had slowed down his usually moderate speed. When he entered the classroom he was the first there but only by 32 seconds. Even his teacher Margaret was a little surprised.


At lunch Pip and Leo approached every student in hope they would befriend him. Leo said he was a smooth talker but that became majorly untrue, that became apparent a week ago when he ruined Pip's chances with a bagging lady at Sainsburys. He had made to many annoying puns and the lady insisted she was on break. The pair traveled the school grounds and Leo suggested the football field but Pip rejected the idea. Ever since Leo's first day at the school Pip has been deprived of his usual lunches in the music room. They went up to a girl who sat on a bench by herself reading a book.


"Don't disturb her she's reading!" Pip hissed in a whisper.

Leo raised a brow.

"I interrupted you whilst you were reading and now we are the best of friends!" Leo cheered.

Pip gave him a scrunched look.

"I still miss the quiet." Pip murmured.

Leo smiled. the girl must of heard them because she looked up at them.

"Would you be my friend?" Pip chirped.

After a large amount of time of begging the two left successfully. Pip scribbled on his list. He only need two more friends.

"We are smooth." Leo sounded very pleased with himself.

Pip would of stared at him with a raised brow but was focused on how much closer he was to the end of the list. He might actually make it. They scrambled towards the lockers and Pip fished for his supplies for the final lesson of the day. Before Pip fled to class Leo stopped him.

"Meet you here after class?" Leo asked.

Pip nodded and waltzed to class.


Pip was the last to leave as usual. He walked at his traditional speed and was surprisingly early when he got to Leo's locker, which was strange because Pip never saw him in class he even suspected he skipped school. Leo finally appeared down the hall two minutes later. Paint clung to the tips of his hair and latched onto his hands. An assortment of colours covered his skin like an article of clothing.

"Sorry I had art." Leo apologised.

Pip shrugged it off and waited for Leo to collect his belongings. Leo motioned for them to begin the walk. The afternoon was oddly quiet. They left the deserted school behind them and Leo being an odd source of light began to skip.

The boy tried to herd him into his manic ways but Pip continued to watch. Eventually they made it to to a pub. Pip was going to ask but Annie's presence interrupted. The others led him into the building and up the stairs. Leo knocked on the door twice before an rumpled scrawny old man opened the door. He had a stained white beard that trailed to his knees and curly hair on his head. Leo pulled him into a hug and started speaking German to him. Pip watched in pure bewilderment. Annie must of noticed because she pulled him aside.

"Who is that?" Pip asked.

Annie took a breath.

"That's murphy he found Leo two years ago and took him in." Annie explained.

Pip had questions. Found him where? Was he homeless? What about his parents? How did Leo learn German? But before the questions could leave his lips Annie was entering the bearded mans house with Leo. Pip followed after them, leaving behind the many questions he had. But eventually the queries buried beneath his skin and swarmed the pit of his stomach.

The Melody of Pip WinterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora