27: Liebestraum

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Pip was intoxicated by Leo's lips.
Fires sizzled on the tip of his tongue as it traveled through the other boys mouth. Hands trailed softly over his skin producing fireworks in every fibre of his being. The boys mouth tasted like vodka but the flavour of smoke and tea loitered. He was addicted to the moment and prayed it would never end. The kiss deepened and Pip followed as Leo sketched desire into his mouth. His hands rested on the back of Leo's neck as he prolonged the event for as long as possible. Euphoria sputtered in his chest and warmth traced his skin despite the heavy droplets of coldness. Screw being drunk Pip was bloody high at that moment. High on the soft texture of Leo's lips, high on the arms that tied them both together. Together, their lips tickled the keys and wrapped every sound together to make an enrapturing song. Together, they painted a portrait of enticing perfection. Every second that lingered was blissful and Loud with the chimes of elation and delight. Their lips moulded together weaving an elegant new story.

Tingles danced on the tips of his fingers as they travelled under Leo's jumper and onto his skin for warmth. He stroked shapes into the boy rib cage as their lips finally broke apart. Pip attempted to catch his breath, his fore head pressed again Leo's chest. His lips radiated with the warmth of Leo's mouth that had now become a memory.

Pip felt a cosy set of arms hold him in place. He wanted to scream in hope of draining all the giddiness from his stomach so he could finally still. He was agitated from the overflowing spark of joy inside him. He tightened the wrap he had around Leo's waist and the other boy rested his head on his. Despite the freezing air and the cold tides plummeting from the heavens Pip felt hot all over. The other boys grip around him was soft yet firm and held together all Pip's spurts of ecstasy and excitement.

Pip had no clue what to say. What were you supposed to say after such an explosive event? Maybe words just weren't necessary when you were encompassed by the most wonderful dream.

"Fuck," Leo breathed softly.

Yeah, Pip agreed.


Sun seeped through the blinds and illuminated Leo's already startling features. Pip with his head on the other boys shoulder just stared; Mesmerised by the boys faint breaths and sleep soaked characteristics.

An irritating itch derailed his focus as he remembered one stupid detail of the previous night; he had laid in the grass, which he was allergic to. He tried to move to itch his ribs without waking the boy but eventually the irritation was unbearable and Leo started to stir.

The electric blue entered the atmosphere and Pip was dragged into a daze. He would look back and cringe at the way his chest exploded and his skin prickled with a thousand sparks of electricity. He would most definitely laugh at the way one person could torment him with the unravelling of an arm.

As Leo sat up and put an irritating space between them Pip adjusted his focus. Without the bewitching view Pip was left with a thundering pound in his head.

There was definitely a conversation that needed to be had. Pip really did not want to speak of the events from the previous night no matter how ecstatic they made him feel.

"So the list is over." Leo said nervously.

A shard of glass poked through Pip's throat as discomfort settled in his stomach. He did not like this part, he remembered why he never wanted to kiss another person.

"Yeah." Pip cleared his throat.

The air cooled and their gazes fell upon each other with the same thoughts spiraling in their heads.

"Pip, I really care about you," Leo itched the back of neck.

Of course, here was the I care about you but...

"There's a lot you don't know about me and you're still going through stuff I just," Leo looked uncomfortable.

They sat opposite each other without moving. Pip's body was set in stone preparing for where the conversation would end.

"Don't worry about it, it was just for the list and we were really drunk." Pip began to ramble between storms of stress.

Leo tilted his head down and smiled forcefully.

"It was just for the list?" Leo repeated.

Pip swallowed down a lump of unease.

"Wasn't it?" Pip asked.

Leo broke out into a batch of warm chuckles that slightly eased the knots in Pip's shoulders.

"I'm really not cut out for social interaction." Pip flopped onto his back.

He heard a few shaky breaths before he sat up once again.

"We're friends right?" Pip asked.

Leo's fingers slithered towards Pip's hand.

"For now." Leo smiled sleepily.

A beam of light absorbed the organ pumping blood through his chest and he could barely cage the explosions of excitement within him.

"How long will 'for now' last?"

The other boys hand enclosed his and the air grew heated.  Leo's hand radiated warmth and like gasoline only enraged the flare in his chest.

"When everything is sorted out."

That timeline sounded like crisp melodies and smelled of tea leaves and sunshine. That timeline was sea soaked and gloriously beautiful. That timeline was fast approaching.

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