15: Un Reve en Mer

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(WARNING: trauma)

Pip remembered the hands that coiled his skin. He had spent so much time not remembering, not sleeping and never would he think of those times. But as those times caught up with him so did the terror. His ears ached with memories and his limbs panged with fatigue. The clothes that covered his skin burned in all the places scars lingered. Pip was stupid to think he could forget, stupid to think he could be someone else, but he could never be someone else not when his from dreams that tasted of straight whiskey.

It was Pips birthday, the worst day of existence. As usual he did not go to sleep the night before. Per his traditional schedule he did not trust his eyes enough to close them for a "moment". He didn't have to dream to remember and that was his mistake.

The light thunder of steps echoed through Pips ears as his mother clambered up the stairs. He watched as she walked in with a cake she made herself. Pip even pretended to be woken up. A joyous smile tore her lips and her eyes widened with glee. Pip couldn't help but feel so detached.

"Happy birthday to you," she sung cheerfully.

"Happy birthday dear Pippy!" And she continued.

Pip managed to slip from the words into a fogged noise. He finally sunk back into reality when his mother began to laugh.

"You can officially go out get drunk! It won't be as fun anymore." She giggled.

Pip smiled and sat up. What a terrible son, he couldn't even do a better job at holding the conversation, he couldn't even do that after what he had done.

"Thanks mum." He croaked.


They did what they usually did on Pips birthday. They ate cake and binged random shows that would never distract Pip from the truth. They were sitting on the couch when it started to go down hill.

"Pip I know you probably don't want me to bring it up but, you know what else today is." Claudia said slightly worried.

There it was.

Friction. the resistance that one surface or object encounters when moving over another. Friction, what was going in Pips chest at that moment.

Pip had once been terribly burnt. He never liked to think of that event but it came back. The skin of his wrist had fled his body and the pain was unbearable. The same burn slithered up his throat at that moment.

Blood crowded his head as did the jumble of anguish filled thoughts. Bullet wounds provided a comforting agony and silence drummed in his ears.

There were two plates with crumbs in front of him.

He would not think.

He picked them up and waddled to the kitchen.

He would not remember.

He scrubbed the dishes.

He would not remember the screams.

He scrubbed and scrubbed.

He would not think of such events.

His hands moved quickly and the plate started to scrape.

"Pip!" His mum yelled but it was muffled and barely audible to him.

His hands felt cold around the metal. He remembered the power he thought he had in that moment.

His knuckles turned white.

"Pip, it's okay baby shhh." Claudia attempted to soothe.

He thought it would all be over.

His hands flashed back and forth over the plate as his mother grabbed his phone, she knew his password.

"Please! You must come I don't know what to do and-"

He hated the bruises and he hated who gave them to him.

His mother placed his phone back on the counter.

"Pip, it's okay." She attempted again.

He hated him. He hated him.

Pip's hands started to blister as he scrubbed and scrubbed.

"Mary had a little lamb," Claudia began to sing.

The pain had morphed into fiery rage. He was possessed by the impeccably strong force and all he wanted was revenge. Pip wanted to see the man just as defenceless as him and just as powerless. His bruises and scars wouldn't disappear but at least he'd have one victory. He wouldn't cower when the time of pain came again he would win for once he woul-


Pip came to a halt. His hand stopped and the plate crashed to the bottom of the sink. This was not his mother, this was Leo. Pip did not move, not for a little while. Leo drifted closer until he was behind Pip's shoulder.

Memories, fire and ice.

Pip slipped to the ground. He rested his head against the cupboards. Leo slid down beside him. His face wasn't smiling and his eyes weren't cheery. Pip made others miserable he hurt them, why couldn't he just- he didn't know.

He held back the tears threatening to escape his heavy eyes and bit back the explosion of air threatening to trip him up.

Pip's skin shivered and all he wanted was to be held in a metal clamp. To squeeze away the hollowness to crush the memories. Leo pulled his arm out but did not touch him.

"Can I?" He asked shakily.

Pip grasped the boys wrist in his hand. Leo pulled him in and pressed him into a tight hold. His skin still shivered but not will cold but flecks of scorching fire. Leo's arms traveled over his pointy bones and his hand managed to land in Pip's hair.

Pip rested his chin on the boys shoulder and tried to calm the storm.

"Don't force it away," Leo started, his voice different.

"If you keep holding it back it's just more pain." Leo whispered.

Leo stroked the red strands of Pip's hair creating an explosion of intangible sensations.

"I don't expect you to lay it all out in front of me by at least do it on your own." Leo said.

Pip's throat was tar and his body radiated with a dull ache. His arms curled around the boys waist and he felt a tear abseil down his cheek. The first tear he had felt in years.

The Melody of Pip Winterحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن