9: The Blue Danube

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Pip would lie that day he assured himself. He had jumped from his book when the alarm sounded that morning and dressed in his prepared clothes. When he changed into his clothes he felt how loose they were on skin. He skipped down the stairs in his yellow jumper and black trousers. His mother was already at work so he walked casually out the door and began his walk.

The air was cool and pressed into the seams of his jumper firmly. It was Monday and he was right on track to be at school by his usual time. Something made his pace quicken and he was suddenly speed walking.

He was running from the cruel air that must be it. His legs to long steps despite how short he was. As the cold chased him Pip followed the cement path.

As he walked the school came into view and a bustle of students crowded the walkway. He was pushing down the swell of anxiety extremely well until a strong force pushed him against a tree. Pip looked up a blonde boy with menacing eyes, Patrick Kelsey. His touch had the weight of a thousand memories.

Pip was pushed firmly against the tree and the blonde boy didn't hesitate when he punched the breath out of Pip's chest. As he gasped for air another compact hand landed in his eyes. He felt many firm punches before he slid to the ground and the boy began kicking him in the stomach.

It wasn't the pain that took his attention but the moments that seemed too similar. Different hands and softer damage but his head took over and played through his life like a horror film. He squeezed his eyes shut he did not want the scenes. The real torture was his mind not the blonde boy.

When he opened his eyes the boy was gone and he wasn't sure how long he had been taken captive by his brain. Pip attempted to sit against the tree with severe aches running through him. It was too hard to find a less uncomfortable position the pain was nothing.

He knew school had started and the gate was already locked. He didn't bother getting up. He let himself sit against the tree. He let his chest swell, his eye fidget and his stomach to bleed ache. It hurt to breath.

His right eye was extremely blurred and he tilted his head back. He saw a blurred figure they were walking slowly towards the gates until they noticed Pip. He saw the figure rush towards him.

He felt the earth crackle as the person sat beside him. Pip turned slowly towards the person and noticed it wasn't some random straggler but Leo. Pip could not clearly depict his expression so he was unsure of where this was going.

Leo did not put his hands on him as he usually would Pip suspected he had learned that touch was uncomfortable for him.

"Who did this to you!?" Leo demanded with a hint of anger.

Pip's throat burned.

"Just Patrick he's always been troubled." Pip choked.

Pip could barely see but a dash of disgust could of clouded Leo's normally beaming face.

"Troubled." Leo scoffed.

Pip closed his eyes.

"I can take him out." Leo offered, his tone changed to something light.

Pip felt a laugh release from his chest, the action seared his chest and it probably came out as a weak groan. It shouldn't of been as momentous as it felt but he hadn't heard the sound come from himself in years. Pip heard Leo join in and their sounds merged together.

"I don't think I've ever heard your laugh." Leo said softly.

A smile tore itself across his face. The motion felt like skin had ripped the edges of his mouth must of rusted from the years of the lifeless line that cemented itself in place.

The Melody of Pip WinterWhere stories live. Discover now