22: An Elegy For Our Time

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It was a swirl of noise and intoxication. Crazed children danced through the night and getaway drivers revved there engines as they raced away from their pain. Pressured adolescents pretended they enjoyed the scene and monotone sloths sulked in the corner with their strongly scented concoctions. Nymphomaniacs soaked up others skin and nervous wrecks slouched uncomfortably at the sight of what teenage fun looked like.

Leo and Annie stood beside Pip, there faces not matched with his anxious one. He didn't want to guess at what was in store for the night he would rather receive a schedule that told him exactly when to run away completely frightened. He did not like the look of this social gathering. Pip told himself not to judge a book by its cover, after all he had once been forced to read The Portrait Of Mr W.H and the cover was quite bland yet it had been one of the most splendid stories.

Eventually Leo dragged him from the doorway and he was drowning in a sea of the crazed and outlandishly insane. The weight of sweat cocooned the air and the blare of horrendous music scarred his ear drums. Leo also seemed to be quite bothered by the selection of poor songs.

"I have someone to see, stay with Anne." Leo said before dispersing through the thread of bodies.

Annie smiled at him and directed him out of the clump of stickiness and closely knitted figures. Pip looked her face which was severely unimpressed. Her eyes were rested on Leo who Appeared to be talking to a tall boy. She instantly poured then sculled a small glass of an unknown clear liquid.

"Bloody Leo." She sighed.

Pip raised a brow.

"That's my brother he's talking to." She explained.

A scorching force slithered through him and a raging emotion set fire to his chest. Pip couldn't name the strains of heat boiling his blood.

"I'm sorry Annie but I hate your brother." Pip muttered, annoyed.

Annie laughed gracefully, her pretty brown eyes widening with glee.

"That makes two, if only Leo felt the same way." She rolled her eyes slowly to emphasise her frustration.

He had never talked to Annie all that much but it seemed they shared the same displeasure.

"So, are you going to complete number nine?" Annie asked extremely amused.

Pip looked to Leo who was in the middle of an intense conversation with Terry, even the name made his stomach churn with disgust. It wasn't just hatred for Terry that echoed in his body but something else, something stronger.

"I don't often complete a task without him." Pip told her, with the hint of a melancholy beat.

Annie looked to where Pip was staring.

"He won't be done for awhile, and the result of the pairing is never good." Annie told him, a tad of sympathy followed.

As the music drummed the walls he thought why not? His hand reached for one of the many alcoholic beverages at random and he poured it into a pink cup. It wasn't a massive deal he was eighteen he could legally persist in the activity, but something felt off.

"How can I be sure that it's not roofied?" Pip asked.

"You just have to hope for the best." Annie said.

He stared into the liquid, it was clear and his face swirled in the reflection of the drink. His constellation of freckles drowned by his worried frown. He could see his green eyes and mop of ginger curls. He also caught the nose that belonged to his father. Fear coiled around his throat and choked him. He instantly flooded his airways with liquor and jumped into a different world which wasn't clouded which such horrific truths.

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