25: Pictures at an Exhibition

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(CONTENT WARNING: depictions of abuse)

Pip's bed felt strangely empty and void. He had woken that morning on a bad day. It was one of those morning's where there was no distraction stimulating enough to steal his focus away from the bruises on his heart. His arms tingled with the sensations of the past and his legs ached with the stench of recovery. Without Leo there to coddle him like a teddy bear there was nothing to take his mind off every event that had screwed with him, still.
Pip ran his fingers up his arms and squeezed tight at the skin that had resurfaced. The sight of the torn skin and the different shades of pink and red scattered through his mind like a photo album, almost like he was walking through a museum of his memories.

Pip was only eight when his father had started to experiment with more dangerous tactics. It started with loose screws and eventually turned to boiled water.

As Pip fell deeper into his past a scorching heat throttled in his throat and tightened his chest. He manoeuvred and squirmed through the sheets, trying to outrun an inescapable feeling. Heat and frost and sickness and despair possessed him.

After the water shredded his skin he was told of his fathers condition. How he was insane, how it wasn't his fault. After that night his mum promised they would be free of him one day, that day just hasn't come yet.

It was a school day as well as a bad day. His mother knew of his near perfect attendance and started to trample up the stairs. Claudia waltzed into the room her face lined with a worry she was trying hard to hide. She sat on the edge of his bed.

"Are you going to school today?" She asked.

Pip nodded and sat up, an asteroid of dizziness striking him in the head. He jumped to his feet to try and get dressed. Pip didn't feel that old need to get to school he was just programmed to attend school.

"Hey, Pip wait," Claudia stood and waddled over to him.

He stood and waited for whatever she was going to say next.

"You don't look so great maybe you should just rest." His mother spoke shakily.

Pip shook his head. A weighted nausea curdled in his stomach and trailed its way up his throat.  No, he prayed it wouldn't happen. Without another thought Pip was skipping to the toilet. Liquid choked its way through his mouth and made a gagging sound.

Pip did not go to school that day.


The day before Leo had come up with some plan to complete the last two tasks. The boy did not elaborate further on what was going on in his head. They parted and Leo had told him they would speak soon. Pip was told that the boy was 'sorting things out'. The words worried him and filled him with all sorts of possibilities. 

In hope of escaping his memories and the situations Leo could be in, he spent the day with his mother. After his incident they sat down and had a cup of tea followed by many questions by his mother. They ended up playing Scrabble.

"Do you ever talk to Leo about this stuff?" His mother asked bringing up the subject of his vomit again.

Discomfort slithered up his neck as he searched for a word he could make with the letters he had, he did the same for Scrabble.

"Sometimes." Pip mumbled.

Claudia smirked for an unknown reason. They did not bring up the subject again. The day had vacuumed of emotions and left him with a detached and hollow feeling.

"I like that boy a lot I think he is good for you." Claudia smiled.

Pip attempted to restrain the odd pull at his lips and tried to hide the rose burning his cheeks. His mum giggled, making the situation all the more embarrassing. Pip wondered why the mention of his friend tickled so much.

"Aha, I win." His mother beamed as she counted the scores.

Pip made a disappointed look before congratulating his mother on her win. They had a running tally of their wins and losses and by now they were tying.

"Thank you ma, for today." Pip spoke as she got up from the table. A light smile danced on her lips as Pip packed away the board game.

He trotted up the stairs after all was organised. He hadn't taken a moment to admire his room for a while. His usually near room covered in mountains of strewn clothes. Tightness clogged his throat as he rushed through the room tidying every nook.

A beep drew him away from the mess he had unknowingly created. Pip grabbed his phone and opened his messages. He was met with a random place sent by Leo.

Masons park, 18:30

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