23: A Day At The Castle

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There was nothing fun about that morning. There was just a pounding in his head and a boy in his bed. He really had listened to too much Katy Perry last night. A soft ring graced the air and it was bloody freezing, their was no delicate way to put it. Leo's feet were touching the bed head, his head resting beside the tips of his toes. This day was officially weird.

Pip sat up. His vision filled with pricks of glitter and his head weighed tons. The world wrapped around him like jelly as it wobbled. He had one promise for himself that day. He promised to never drink alcohol again, of course that didn't last long.

Leo was coddling a pillow and his hair was missed into his eyes. There was something acutely adorable about the image, until the boy let out a groan. Pip couldn't help but laugh at the sound of his muffled growl. He didn't know why but he found the situation quite hilarious.

"Don't' laugh at me Satan." Leo mumbled into the pillow.

Amusement held the air as Pip wriggled his toes just in time for Leo to catch them like a cat. Nothing could get weirder. He wondered whether or not he should wake the boy up but a shrill ring broke through his now damaged ear drums. His head exploded with an irritating flood of pain before he was able to shut the phone (who he presumed was Leo's) up. The sound not only cause immense pain but also caused Leo to wake from his deep slumber.

"You say the weirdest things when you're asleep." Pip murmured softly.

Leo gave a lazy sleep ridden smile, his eyes droopy and red.

"You are no longer a hangover virgin." Leo yawned.

Leo sat up and leant his back against the wall so Pip did the same. He stretched out his legs but they were still just as short and lean.

"I don't understand anyone's desire for this." Pip muttered with his ears ringing just as loudly as the phone once was.

Leo turned and eyed him with an all too cheeky smirk.

"And How did it feel to be absolutely pissed?"

Pip thought back to the night which was mostly a blur. He wondered many things. What had happened after they got back? Had he smoked a joint? And whose jumper was he wearing?

"Funny, odd." They were the only words that made sense.

Leo dropped his head to Pip's shoulder. The movement should not of started a fire nor should it of made Pip's skin prickle, but there he was with a bomb inside his chest.

"Aren't you going to tick that off your list?" Leo asked.

He found the list on the bench which was just an arm reach from him. He ticked the two quests off and felt glad to only have two missions left. The euphoric feeling suddenly swooped when he read the last tasks. He didn't know what was worse doing something illegal or having to kiss another human being, great he was screwed.

"What will you do when this all over?" Leo asked, but the words were too loud because of their close proximity.

"Never do anything on that dam list ever again." Pip answered.

Leo shook his head in disbelief.

"Not even the last one?" The boy questioned.

"Especially not the last one."

For some reason this made Leo chuckle, but is sounded more like he was a chicken that had just been run over. He then mumbled something inaudibly under his breath that made Pip curious, very very curious.

"Not ever?" Leo inquired.

The boy detached himself from Pip's shoulder and sat before him with wide eyes.

"Not ever." Pip repeated.

Leo inched closer.

"With no one?"

Pip felt something tickle his chest.

"With no one."

There was an outbreak of something explosive all over Pip and he felt this prickling sickness that hurt so much it almost didn't. His throat dried out like a saltana as something coated his mouth with questions. Pip tried to shut up his wondering brain but failed in the process.

"5 years from now?"

Pip shook his head.

"Hmm... 1o years?"

The boys head manoeuvred closer as Pip shook his head once again. Too close, Pip thought. His thoughts were wreaking havoc and he couldn't shut them off. It didn't get worse until his eyes fell into an blue abyss. That was when he was really screwed. It was like he had been zapped by a faulty power circuit as he was entranced with the electric eyes that caught him.

He couldn't be more glad when another ring gripped the air. His head was in agony as the sound retched on but it was also his saviour. Leo's eyes instantly flicked away. The boy grapes the phone and pressed it against his ear.

"Ma?" Leo muffled into the phone.

This felt like a conversation Pip wasn't supposed to hear, but as he was about to leave Leo gripped his hand firmly.


Real words left the building, real words couldn't begin to describe the fluttering wave of giddiness rupturing in his stomach. Real words would confine the symptoms he was experiencing. Heat rushed to his head and wrapped around his arms.

"What do you mean he's out? He has 2 years left." Leo choked the words out.

The sound was obviously a poisonous taste on the boys tongue. Leo's fingers curled around Pip's. He watched the boy whose expression was starting to break out in blemishes of despair.

"Don't. Please don't, ma please." A tear started to trickle down his cheek.

The boy detached the phone from his ear. Leo did not move. He did not make a sound. As the boys eyes reddened Pip felt a bullet dent his heart. He wrapped an arm around Leo and pulled him into his grasp. He ignored the warmth that cradled him and instead soothed shapes into Leo's back. The boy didn't make a peep which shouldn't of unstitched Pip so much. What was he to say?

"Lion?" Pip croaked.

Leo slid his head into the crook of Pip's neck. It tickled slightly and definitely didn't make him shiver. The sensations didn't distract him from the booming questions in his head or the boisterous ache that ever tremor from Leo caused.

"Do you want to talk about?" Pip asked slightly overcome with tightness.

Pip heard a laugh filter through the air. A croaky laugh that was sharp enough to break through layers of skin.

"Whats so funny?" He asked.

For some reason that caused more laughter.

"I don't even know." And Leo flopped on to his back.

His nose was pink and runny and his eyes were red. Altogether he looked like a mess, a very attractive mess.

"Was that your mum?" Pip queried.

Leo nodded. Pip crawled to sit beside him. He stroked the boys hair back as it was crawling into his eyes.

"I'm sorry about all this." Leo told him.

"Leo, don't ever be sorry." Pip whispered.

He laid down beside him. They both stared at the ceiling.

"My dad just got out of jail."

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