10: Nocturne

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Pip was dowsed in agonising pain the next morning. He hadn't though much of the dull pain yesterday but the morning was new and he felt the urge to stab something. He found bruises running down his legs and he tasted blood on the tip of his tongue. He dabbed the pads of his fingers lightly against his cheek. Blood ran through the streets of his fingerprints and he wondered curiously what had happened.

His mother had been informed by himself of what had happened. She was instantly pulled into protective mode and was ready to seek Patrick out and kill him. Pip had turned down her services.

That morning his mother had stumbled into his room with water and medication. She kneeled beside the bed and motioned for him to sit up. She passed him the glass of water and then handed him two white pills. He downed the pills and water but they left a clump like feeling in his throat.

She stared so Pip stood up prepared to get ready for school. His mum stopped him with a brief but powerful glance.

"Are sure it's best for you to go to school today?" His mother asked.

Pip looked at her green eyes and ginger hair and it was like a mirror, their faces were the same but he knew something different ran through his veins.

"I didn't go to school yesterday." He answered.

He knew she was going to go on about how he needs a day of rest so he herded her out, his decision was final. He dressed himself in warm clothes and persisted with his traditional routine. He climbed down the stairs a sipped a cup of tea and managed a few bites of a crumpet before heading out the door.

He staggered on the pavement hoping for his usual pace to take over and let his strange walk return to normal. He felt air rush past his side. He turned and found a tall black haired boy with intense blue eyes.

"Hello Lion, what are you doing?" Pip asked.

Leo faced him with a worried expression.

"Well I was just walking and I saw you." Leo was obviously lying.

Pip eyed him in disbelief.

"You live quite far from here." Pip said.

Leo looked a little defeated.

"Well I'm just making sure your legs are working." Leo mumbled.

Pip looked forward at the path ahead.

"You have a black eye." Leo said suddenly.

Pip swallowed the sting in his throat. He didn't look at the other boy he would get to school at his scheduled time.

"Does it hurt?" Leo asked.

Pip didn't have a truthful answer for him so he didn't reply. Maybe they had some sort of understanding because he didn't press further. They walked quickly with Pip glaring at the pavement with his neck craned and Leo staring at him. When they were at the school gate Leo stopped him.

"We have art this afternoon you don't have to go." Leo said above the loud crowd of students.

The loud boy who was always laughing was staring at him with features tensed into neutrality. Something stabbed through the layers of skin and Pip suspected it was not the repercussions of yesterday's events.

"I'll go." Pip squeaked.

They decided to meet at the lockers first considering Pip had never been. After a short conversation Pip sprinted to his next stop.


It was third period when the pain began to traumatise the rest of the days plan. Pip was clenching his wrists in hope the pressure would ease him. His pounded stomach relished in the events of yesterday and his eye squirmed. He counted the seconds until the bell went off and centuries past.

When the shrill nose exploded he couldn't me more pleased. He grabbed his stuff and began to hobble to the door before his teacher stopped him.

It was health and he did not know the teacher as well as Dianne or Margaret.

The teacher was a tall middle aged man. He was sat at a mahogany desk and he looked like something straight out of one of Oscar Wilde's works.

"Would you care to explain this?" He asked.

His voice was pleasant enough and he held a blemished apple in his spindly old hands. His face wasn't nurturing it was neutral.

"I would rather not." Pip mumbled.

The man took a bite of the apple which left a crisp crunch in the awkward atmosphere.

"You are a perfect guinea pig for health class. The next topic should be self Defense." The man spoke.

Pip watched him.

"I hope the opponent was boxer otherwise your performance was pathetic." The teacher laughed.

Pip didn't understand what was going on.

"Next time you feel like getting beaten up think about the next day because trust me it always hurts more." He suggested.

The man motioned for him to leave so he stumbled out in agony. Across the hall he spotted Patrick.

He was covered in bruises and a long scratch lined his mashed cheek. He seemed to be mirroring Pip as he also was limping.

His focus was swept up by Leo who had just appeared in front of him. He was holding his hand in the other one.

Pip snatched a glance at the boys knuckles and found discoloured skin. Pip had many questions but kept them to himself.

"You look terrible." Leo said.

Pip just shook his head. He resisted the urge to wrap his arm around his waist just in case that was too obvious. He knew he could get through the day.

"Come on let's go." Leo said.

Pip shook his head again.

"You won't make the day let's go." Leo reasoned.

After a while of Pip's resistance he was forced out by Leo who was nursing his damaged hand. Rain plummeted from the sky and perfectly fit the usual Manchester weather. It was an odd walk Leo did not talk, not even a hum of laughter escaped him. After a while they reached Pip's front door.

"Thank you." Pip uttered.

He opened the door and crept inside. His mother was at the table.

"Thank goodness you came to your senses and came back home." She bummed.

She looked out the window and spotted Leo.

"Why don't you invite him in I would love to meet on of your friends." She smiled.

A few moments passed and he found himself opening the door and screaming the boys name. Leo turned around with a smile. His hair was drenched and his clothes were very soggy. Pip let the boy in.

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