12: Fur Elise

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Silence lulled in his ears ever since the nights words. Pip knew an event slowly approaching, it was one he would prefer to forget. He had his system and he hoped it would drown out the silent noise of terror. It was the weekend and the hours were passing in years worth of time. The world knew dread was following him, this was his punishment.

Pip was twirled in his blankets, heat bounced off his forehead and sweat crawled through his limbs. He shifted constantly hoping for the drizzle to leave him. It didn't leave and he was left feeling heavy with pain.

The further he delved into his sheets the closer he was getting to the root of his displeasure. He squeezed into himself tightening his grip to push the memories out of him. His hold was tight enough to crush bones and fierce enough to set his soul on fire.

He felt something slither behind his eyes so his hold got tighter in attempt to hold the force back.


Nothing was all there was he had to remember that and forget everything else. It seemed simple the task was something he was trying to ease.

When the pain receded and he was left with the dull ache of nothing he got to his wobbly legs. He trudged down the stairs and munched on an apple before leaving the house. The bruises remained from his attack but the ache they brought with them was duller.

Pip planned on finding some sort of class to take. He walked past closed shops and run down pubs, at one point Pip was sat at the park. He wandered into places he was obviously wrong about.

The streets were flooded with ghosts and you could hear the crackling rustle of the leaves pressed against the concrete. It was discomforting to walk the streets without the sun beside him. Pip used to walk on his own all the time but he must of gotten used to the hovering presence.

His feet made a hollow song that would usually be accompanied by Leo's feet which layered the sound like a bass. The walk was cold and his smile would have chased the chill from his arms. He pried the boy from his mind.

He was wearing his knitted jumper and normal black trousers but he was still cold. He walked faster to defeat the force. He walked quickly and the air he breathed still turned to brutal wind.

Pip's eyes eventually landed on a shop which gave out free guitar classes. He supposed it was a nice instrument and he did already know a few chords. It would be a usual hobby so he entered the rustic shop with a feeling of achievement.

When he left the shop minutes later he was set to take a class the following day. He chased the pavements with a sense of relief which was shortly crushed.

The next task would be very challenging. The thought made his pace stiffen and his head cloud with terrifying possibilities. He looked at the cracks in the concrete and hoped that would slow his pounding thoughts or ease his heart beat. The faults in the ground did not take his mind off the different scenarios that could and probably wouldn't happen.

He though of who he would play the piano for. There was his teachers but that seemed odd to invite them to his house. There was Annie, maybe she was the right choice she seemed laid back but she was critical. There was the girl he had met at the music room but he wouldn't know how to find her again. The last name lingered on his tongue and for some reason it stressed him out even more than the other options.

Leo was probably his closest friend other than his mother but the thought of playing for him was more sickening than if he were to play for a stranger. Pip feared Leo would understand, that he would know the secrets that crawled between the keys, that he would know too much. Pip for some reason felt lightning prod his body at the thought of Leo leaving. Maybe it was nice having a friend, maybe.

The fear came in waves. Sometimes he would forget other times he was riding a rollercoaster of all that could go wrong. The upside of the new scary situation was that the worse evil was pushed further down, in that moment.

When Pip entered his house he realised it was his day to cook. With some reluctance he started to prepare some stir through pasta.

When he was finished he laid out two bowls on the table and waited for his mother to come home from work.

When his mother finally appeared she was flustered and went to the sink to wash off her floury hands. After that she was sat slurping the spaghetti. They ate in silence as Pip's mum was working on finances, Pip offered to help but she dismissed the idea.

He washed the dishes and trailed the way to his room. Enthusiasm had left his body when sleep did so he was slow and unenergetic. He found his room with an unmade bed. He darted off to make it and changed into his pajamas. 

He stalked off to his keyboard and sat in the chair. He watched the instrument and wondered how bad it would be for Leo to hear the trims of his pain. Pip stared at the instrument as if it were a gleaming beacon of light, he stared at it like it was Leo.

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