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Finn's Pov
I can't believe what just happened.

I finally found her. After five years, I found her and even my daughter.

My daughter. My daughter is beautiful, intelligent, but most of all she is mine. I'm glad y/n allowed me to see her more. I want to spend every free minute with Marye. But it won't be possible since they live here and I still live in Los Angeles.

When I arrived at my hotel, I opened my laptop and started a video chat with Noah.

"You look so happy that you've finally found some hot chick? "

"No Noah, what the fuck?"

"But something must have happened the last time I saw you that happy was about five years ago."

"Yeah, something happend."

"Holy fucking shit, can you tell me already?"

"Do you remember y/n?"

"Yeah. What's with her?"

"maybe I met her today. "


"Yes. Fucking. Way. And guess what next?"

"Oh shit did you fucked?"

"What the hell is wrong with you today you horny fuck. No we don't fucked."

"So what's happend?"

"I have a daughter."

"Are you serious?!"


"Then congratulations. How old is she excatly?"


"Are you sure that kid is yours? You know she can be Jaeden's."

"I'm sure. If you see her, you would never said she is Jaeden's."

"How's she looks like?"

"Like me but in girl version."

"So she is hot?"

"What the fuck Noah she's only five you dumb bitch."

"Yeah, yeah. But can I wait for her?"

"Are you serious?! Of course not you would be too old for her."

"Damn it. And what y/n?"

"What with her?"

"Is she still that hot like before?"


"Answer my question."

"Yes, she's still hot."

"Holy shit dude! Did you just blush?"

"What? Of course not."

"You still love her didn't you?"

"I-i don't know. I mean maybe."

"Shit dude, you still love her."

"Like i said, maybe."

"What do you mean 'maybe'?"

"I don't know how to explain. She hurt me when she left, and i tried to move on, and when it was on good way, then i met her again and..."

"You fell for her again."

"Yeah. I mean no. Uh, i just don't know Noah. It's hard ya know."

"I'm so sorry Finn but i need to go talk to you later. Oh, and tomorrow i want to see your little girl."

"Okay, i'll text y/n and we'll see."

"Yay, bye."

"Bye dumb fuck."

after my call with Noah, I picked up the phone and searched y/n in my contacts.

Y/n 💞

Hey y/n it's me Finn. Can
i see Marye tomorrow?

Yeah sure, when?

I don't know, when
it suits you.

Y/n 💞
Okay then, what about 1pm? At the beach?

Sound great to me. Thank you ❤

You're welcome.

'Oh, shit i really fell for her again.'

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