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Y/n's Pov
I was already in front of the apartment where Sadie lived when I found out that I forgot my phone on the charger at home.

I turned the car around and started making my way home. The ride was short since Sadie's apartment was about 10 minutes from us.

After a while I arrived home and got out of the car I left in front of the main gate and went to the door.

I started to unlock the door and there was silence throughout the house.

'Jaeden is probably asleep' i think to myself and opened the door.

"Where's Marye?" Jaeden asked, still drunk, even more so than when we left.

" I've told you several times today that Finn is with her."



"Are you fucking crazy?"

"No, why?"

"Because she's alone with FINN."


"What if he kidnap her, or even worse, what if he rape her!"

"Jesus you are really that stupid or is just alcohol."

"I'm serious."

"Jaeden, do you really think that Finn can rape five year old kid, and she's his daughter for fuck's sake." I yell at him.

"I don't trust him."


"Bacause i just don't okay?!" He yell and start walking towards me.

He was a few inches away from me and started touched me in sensitive places.

"W-what are you d-doing?" I whispered and tears start fall of my face. I was scared.

"Shhh, why can't we have a little fun?" He asked and i feel his breath on my neck.

"Y-you're d-drunk Jae."i said while crying.


"We can't."

"Why not n/n." He asked and start kissing my neck.

"B-because i-i don't w-want to."

"Oh, what's happend n/n, you never said no to me before." He said still kissing my neck.

"Nothing, but i'm just not in the mood."


"No Jae."




"No." I started cry harder.


"No is no Jae."

"One last time."

"You're drunk, if you were sober you never want this."

"Do you really think that?"

"Yes. You end this, remember?"

"But what if i never wanted to end it?"

"Then why are you ended it?" I asked really quietly.

"B-because i'm in love with you." Whe whispered.

"W-what? H-how l-long?" I asked with shock.

"Five years." He said really quiet.


"Yeah." He said and kissed my lips gently.

"I-i'm sorry." I whispered.

"Why are you sorry?" He said and kissed my lips again.

"I can't d-do this."


"I-i don't feel the same Jae."

"Have you ever felt anything for me?"

"Yes, but..."

"But what?" He said and i can still feel his breath on my neck.

"I-i think i'm in love with someone else."

"With who?" He asked and his lips still on my neck.


"so with no one, "he said, and began kissing my lips very aggressively.

"Please, stop."i said against his lips.

"Why? You're single, i'm single, so why not?" He said and he started unbuttoning my jeans.

"Jae, please." I begged him but he didn't stop.

several times I begged him to leave me but he didn't listen to me and put my shirt down. So I was only in my bra and unbuttoned jeans. And then i heard the door opened.

'Thank god.'

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