The Secret Great 13th's Power!

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The soundtrack above is what you guys can listen to while reading this chapter, it's something new I'm doing so let me know if you like it!

Spring's POV

(Some time later...)

(Time: Unknown)

The wind was calm...but the fire that burned within me wasn' was nothing but fury...I shakily stood to my feet. Blood dripped from my forehead from the blow I received from a huge boulder that Alex managed to pick up and chuck at me. I looked up at Alex, blood dripping over my eye from the blood on my forehead that split into multiple paths. Alex's body was consumed with white fire swirling around him. "Come on Springtrap...don't you wanna save your boyfriend?" Alex asks, raising an eyebrow. I gritted my teeth as the wind suddenly howled before dying out seconds later when I calmed myself. "Anger causes you to explode...doesn't it? I understand, I've felt rage before..." Alex says. I clenched my fists as fire consumed my left fist. I turned and lifted it up in the air changing the direction of the wind simultaneously so it was flowing towards Alex before increasing it's intensity. "Ah...gonna try that?" Alex asks. I then go to swing my fist down diagonally, sending out a violent blaze of fire rising dozens of feet in the air and traveling to Alex quickly. The air that was fueling its power more and causing it to move faster moved swiftly.

Anticipating him to teleport behind me I threw my elbow back as a hand caught it. "Typical...I anticipated your common're doing such typical's boring." Alex says before turning and side kicking me sending me sprawling to the ground with a pained groan. Opening my eyes to see Alex standing above me with a frown. "This is pathetic really...and here I expected more..." Alex says.

I slowly stood to my feet as the wind started swirling around me. A shockwave erupted as air continuously spiraled around me. "First ascension huh? Finally..." Alex mutters. I then open the palm of my hand as a bit of air swirls around in my hand. Pushing my right foot back I swung my hand in the air causing the direction of the air to shift violently pushing against Alex. Very small cuts appeared on Alex who remained basically unfazed. My body ignited into flames as I kicked the air sending out a ball of fire towards Alex as the air made it even more powerful. Alex ducked it and curled inwards before jerking his body out sending out a ring of fire outwards. The heat was so overwhelming when it hit me that it actually burnt a bit. "Ow!" I hissed. Fire burnt me...literal fire burnt a being that can literally handle fire on earth does that happen?! It managed to burn me when I could handle white fire...that meant that he was holding back some of his heat when it came to his fire...he was suppressing it...crap...and this isn't' even his blue fire yet...

"My regular fire can reach temperatures of about 100,000 degrees, my blue fire can reach up to 500,000, my white fire at 1,000,000 and my black fire...that continues to grow in strength can now currently reach lengths of 10 million strong enough to melt the strongest metals." Alex says as my eyes widen. 10 million...I thought it was 5 million before! Fighting your own ability only makes you stronger...if you are hurt by your own power, that power learns to adapt further to that pain and grows stronger...your fire has hurt a little...not much...but I do have a burn or two on me..." Alex mutters. "You're helping me grow during a must have a death wish." I mutter. Alex laughed, " power is heavily suppressed and you're struggling against me." Alex says. "I'm suppressed too idiot..." I said. "Ah...but your fire is at its maximum potential...though it grows even now you're going full out in your little ascensions unlike me." Alex says.

I clenched my fists. Fire began swirling up my body from the ground. The heat of my external and internal body rose exponentially before my fire exploded into a blue fiery inferno. "Then I'll force you to take me seriously." I muttered.

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