Vincent's Awakening (Mega Chapter Pt 16)

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(Hey guys, I'm just going to put this out here now...there will be a chapter 17. That will be the last chapter of this mega chapter. I was originally planning on making this chapter a fighting one...mainly a fighting one but it didn't turn out that way. And since I don't want a 9,000 worded chapter and figured this chapter is a decent amount of words. That I would just split off this chapter and the next chapter. There is no fighting in this chapter...somehow I managed to get thousands of words in from the time Goldie wakes up to right before they chapter is the last chapter and will be strictly fighting, you know since there has to be a final fight and since it's not happening in this chapter it's going in the next chapter.)

Anyways hope you guys understand and enjoy this chapter!

Goldie's POV

"Goldie..." The voice sounded distant. So distant and lost that I almost couldn't make it out...but just barely could I make it out. My name was being called. "Goldie." The voice felt close this time and this time I felt someone shaking my body. I let out a groan and slowly opened my eyes to reveal a blurry Golden figure. "Oh thank god I thought you were dead!" The voice sounded familiar, definitely belonging to a female. I felt the figure hug me as my eyes slowly adjusted to the bright lights all around. When my eyes adjusted to my surroundings I immediately recognized that I was back on earth.

The figure let go of me and almost immediately did I recognize who it was. "M-Mom?" I ask in disbelief. My mother's eyes widened as if she didn't expect me to recognize her. "Y-You recognize me?" My mom asks as I nod. Tears came to my mother's eyes and a smile crept onto her face as she gave me a bear hug. "Oh god I was sure you wouldn't recognize me!" My mother said as she wept into my shoulder. did she get here? I thought to myself. I prayed my mother off my shoulder to see her teary eyes, "Wait how did you get here?" I ask my mom who chuckles. "I sensed you, so I teleported else?" My mom asks as I look at her in bewilderment. I didn't realize she had powers...then again it would explain how I got lightning.

My eyes widened when I almost completely forgot about Spring. "Oh god I almost forgot about Spring!" I exclaimed, jumping to my feet. I looked over to see Spring Vincent still unconscious. This was my time to do this. "What are you going to do?" My mom asks as I look at her. "Seperate Springs soul from Vincents." I said as my mom jumped to her feet. "Wait, you already did everything else?" My mom asks as I nod. "You just woke me up from the battle with Vincent in the illusion." I said as my mom breathed a sigh of relief. "I can help you out with doing the whole process thing so you don't risk anything." My mom offers as I look at her with wide eyes. "You know how to do this as well?" I ask as my mom nods. "Of course, I did it when I was young around your age." My mom says as I shake my head in shock. Wow my mother knows how to do this. "Wait where's dad?" I ask mom who sighs, "I told him to stay because it would get dangerous...and I was right, I can't even recognize this as earth anymore." My mom says as I nod. "Yea, I'm surprised it hasn't exploded yet." I say as mom nods. "Me should've exploded by now, the fact that it's keeping strong still amazes me." My mom says as I nod.

"Ok, I'll take care of Vincent's soul, and you make sure Springs soul is redirected back into his body, we'll both separate their souls so the work is all even so one if us isn't struggling to get by." I said as mom nodded with a smile. "I'm so excited to see my other baby again!" Mom exclaims as I chuckle. "We still gotta get through this so don't get too excited yet." I say as mom nods. "Then let's do this" Mom says getting on her knees beside Spring, I got on my knees on the other side of Spring and me and mom looked at each other, nodded and hovered our hands over Spring's abdomen.

"Ready?" I ask mom who nods with a look of determination on her face.


And with that we started the process completely in sync. Springs body started shaking violently so I binded his hands and legs to the ground under us. Mom gave me anod of satisfaction as a purple and white gas came seeping out of Springs cut in his abdomen. The gas was very visible so it was easy to distinguish which was which. Mom moved her hands to the side as I did the same. Vincents and Springs soul both separated from each other and moved to both mine and Moms hand. This was much easier with mom's help, without her help I would be struggling a lot more...this will save a lot of power for the final fight.

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