Im lazy and I dunno what to call this.

16 0 2

Uh hi, it's been a long time since I've done one of these and I'm kinda nervous about this.

Also whoever I tag better do this if I'm doing this you better do this as well...Please? Or not and then make me feel sad. (Not really...if you don't do this than cool I'm not forcing you too)

Ok let's just start this off then?

1. I play the Trumpet (I love the Trumpet)

2. I'm an extroverted Introvert, and if you ever meet me in real life I probably won't talk at all until I get to know you.

3. I might be an extroverted introvert but I'm not that person to stand still and let someone hurt people I love. If someone hurts one of my friends and or family, I'll slit their stomach open and proceed to bash their skull in with an eraser and then hang them with their own don't hurt my friends and or family.

4. I rarely get mad especially if someone insults me like you don't even know me well enough to say that about me so why would I be offended?

5. I love foxes, ok don't laugh but their so small and adorable.

6. Im That person where I'll have a shadow on my face at most but I won't grow a full on beard or mustache...forget that. I'd rather shave it all off then anything.

7. I stress...ALOT. Even over simple things I just tend to stress a lot but I know what distracts me from being stressed for that time being so there's that?

8. I have no siblings :(

9. I love sports, especially basketball I used to play it in grade school but my Oma's night blind so going to games don't work and I eventually had to quit.

10. I can skate...very well, both regular and ice skate I have a natural thing with skating and it just comes to me, but I am no professional where I can do a 1080 (3 full spins/rotations) and land perfectly in my feet. I'd break by neck if I did that.

11. I'm a quarter German but know little to no German, probably cause I was born here in the US.

12. I absolutely suck at singing and dancing. My god I cannot do either of those things without falling on my face or sounding like a dying duck.

13. I just now learned what my eye color was like a couple weeks ago, it's like a hazel greenish blue. My parents never knew what it was and I sure as heck wasn't going to ask. I see you laughing...I didn't even know a hazel eye color existed! Why I just found that it I don't know so don't ask.

Anyways that's it, I'm going to tag the person who tagged me first just cause it's one less person I need to go scrolling down the list to find someone I somewhat know XD. Forgive me if I do this wrong I dunno what the flip I'm doing.

BlueFyre23 (Nice name)
Shadowofthenight3022 (If your reading this that's a nice name)
Midnightthewolf237 (Also nice name)

If one of you people read this I just picked 15 people, some I know and some I have no clue who you are XD. Also why the flip are the names highlighted and the text is blue...why why why...i feel stupid for not knowing though lol.

Anyways hope you guys enjoyed and I'll see you all in a couple days or so?

(Now I feel awkward lol)

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