The Psycho in Hiding

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Spring's POV

Me and Goldie were walking down the sidewalk of a street talking. "Did that actually happen?" I ask as Goldie nods. "Apparently so, I'm wondering how Shade didn't punch all of them in the face." Goldie says as I chuckle, "I'm still wondering how he managed to run into a wall, I'm gonna tease him about that later." I say as Goldie nods. "Same, especially on his birthday, I'll have to thank Garret and Hunter for that." Goldie says.

"Hey guys!" A voice says behind us. We both look behind us to see Dave jogging towards us in his police uniform. The uniforms changed from the ones on earth and now they look super weird, instead of them being the usual, blue dark blue or grey, or whatever you see, now they were white. Which looked super weird, but I guess people notice them more and stand out like a lightbulb because I swear light literally reflects off their clothes. "Hey Dave!" Goldie exclaims as Dave stops and walks beside us. "Hey how have you two been doing?" Dave asks as I shrug, "Pretty good, we decided to take a walk around the city today since we're not training today." I say as Dave nods. "Well you know how we were using kryptonite before to stop assassins and people with supernatural abilities?" Dave says as we both nod. "Well, we've figured out how to use that kryptonite to instead of bringing the enemy down, paralyze them and the cool thing is it also works on humans now, so we've been using it recently and it's worked really well." Dave says.

"I was wondering how you guys were handling all of those guys so well and easily...this explains it." Goldie says. "However the only bad thing is that there have been more assassins, and more of those...marking guys around. The assassins are easy even we can beat them in a physical fight, but the marked guys, it's like their assassins but on steroids x5...their not a joke and the paralyzation only works so much on's like their building an immunity to kryptonite." Dave says.

"Yea those marked guys aren't the easiest to beat, me and Spring had an encounter with one a couple days ago and we actually had to take him somewhat seriously. The first marked guy I fought wasn't that strong but they seem to somehow be getting much stronger in a very short amount of time which is impossible unless someone was fueling them with power." Goldie says. "Which is probably Zoro." I mutter. "But Zoro isn't awake yet, he's still regaining power." Goldie says. "Yea but as far as I know he can drain power and or give power passively without having to engage in anything like combat or touching that person." I say. "That makes sense then." Goldie says.

"Oh by the way." Dave says. "Some men from the supernatural branch of government want you down tomorrow so they can do another assessment." Dave says as we both nod.

As of recently the police and government know where we reside and we set up portals in their office buildings that lead them to us in case of emergency or they can't reach us, or something happens then they have the portal. "Didn't they make a new branch in the government, something about a branch just for supernatural assessment and or studying?" I ask as Dave nods.

"Yes, they do this so they can assess what you guys can do and what weaknesses are against those with those powers. So for instance they obviously know that water isn't Springs strongsuit, since he has fire. Water against fire usually ends with water winning, but the researchers want to know more about you guys, what you can do, so they know how we can fend off villain supernaturals if an apocalypse like thing were to happen." Dave explains as we both nod.

"So is this going to be with everyone or separately?" Goldie asks. "Separately, they don't' want to die." Dave says as I chuckle.

"So have you guys figured out anything by studying us yet?" I ask as Dave nods. "Yes, we learned how to make a plasma that hardens over time, similar to your barrier but isn't as strong...but it's still very strong. The plasma is like clay and comes to be shaped into what you want before it hardens. We've also been trying to figure out ways to amplify your guys's powers." Dave explains.

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