A Titans True Potential (Pt 1)

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So...here I am...at Midnight...the night I posted the last chapter. Why am I starting to write the next chapter so soon? Because I'm pumped for this to go on and I usually get really excited doing these fighting chapters because big things happen! I sound like a child who got their favorite candy but I'm being serious! These fighting chapters literally make me want to continuously write. I won't finish this tonight obviously...and I'm going to regret this because I gotta work tomorrow...today...whatever you wanna call it! Anyways....enjoy the chapter!

Slasher's POV

A groan escaped me the moment I realized I was going to hate opening my eyes. "I swear to god if I'm back in this stupid white world I'm going to kill someone" I mutter. I open my eyes slightly and hiss.

"Alright Imma kill someone." I say groggily as I sit up and yawn tiredly. "Why the heck am I here...again? Did I die or something because this is starting to get annoying..." I say as I slowly open my eyes. As my eyes adjusted to the bright white world...and a few more hisses later I finally was able to open my eyes completely.

"Ughhhh can I just go back to bed..." I groan lazily. I mean I remember the whole thing with Carter...but Obviously I'm still alive in some way if I'm here and I haven't been greeted with the stairway to heaven...or the stairway to hell I dunno...wait saying if I died or not and then saying obviously I'm alive contradicts itself...god dang me and my stupidity.

I looked around seeing nothing but white...like a blank canvas that will be painted on. A blank slate if you will. My eyes narrow on a butterfly that casually flies past my face. My eyes follow the butterfly as I huff. "Let me guess I gotta follow you?" I ask the butterfly knowing that I won't get a response. The butterfly then just continued to fly away and I sighed heavily. "God please smite me..." I mutter as I start chasing after the increasingly fast paced butterfly.

"Geezus did you inject yourself with speed steroids or something god you're quick." i say as I break out into a full on sprint after the butterfly that was getting further away.

I followed the butterfly for who knows how long and the world around me slowly started fading...and a ruined city appeared instead. "Do I even want to know what's about to go down?" I ask myself. I dodge all the debris and ahead in my sight I see a black figure with their back turned to me. "Ah great...just what I needed...a STRANGER...how FuN!" I exclaim with fake enthusiasm.

Yes...I may seem like I'm on a male period but my god you ever get stabbed in the gut and wake up in a world that literally burns your eyes? And then have to follow a butterfly that's faster than you and slowly destroys your self esteem because an insect is faster than you?

No...I didn't think so. If you did...I pity you.

I soon came to a stop as the butterfly disappeared. "Uhm...hi?" I say to the balck figure that had his back turned to me. He/She had black fur, and fox ears and tail...so a fox definitely. The figure turned their head to look at me and my eyes widened.

It was me...

Only corrupted.

Those eyes...Midnight and Nightwing have purple eyes...but mine are a very dark shade of purple unlike theirs. And I know that shade...those are my eyes.

He was wearing a blue T-Shirt...what I was wearing...and black shorts...what I was also wearing...and they were the same. "God dang next thing I know you're wearing the same underwear as me!" I exclaim. I then shuddered, "But that would be weird...wait...is it weird if it's you?...ok now I'm getting confused." I say to myself.

I started slapping my head. "Stop thinking thoughts Slasher." I said to myself.

I looked up to see my corrupted self's aura now visible and an intent to kill visible in his eyes. "Ah great....I'm going to die by my own hands...just the way I wanted to go." I say sarcastically.

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