Back to the Past (Pt 1) (Mega Chapter Pt 10)

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Goldie's POV

The only thing I could feel was the back of my head throbbing. I could feel blood rushing to my head and something around my ankles suspending me up in the air. I groaned loudly as I felt myself slowly waking up. My eyes fluttered open and I quickly realized that I was in a pitch black room with a thick fog everywhere. "What the..." I mutter, my eyes growing wide. As I looked down I could confirm that I was being suspended in the air with the dirty silver concrete about 5 feet below me. The fog made it kinda hard to see the round as the fog was so thick. I honestly felt if I had a knife I could cut through the fog like cutting a slice of cake.

I attempted to wiggle out of whatever was suspending me in the air, only to no avail. I then looked...down if you'd say as I was hanging upside down. I notice that my feet were tied and bound together by a thick rope that was suspending me up from a pitch black ceiling with what seemed to be no other end of the rope. I need to get out of this now I can feel the blood rushing through my head. I think to myself. I swung backwards a few times to gain some height before I thrusted my upper body forward with the 3 swing and grabbed onto the rope. I felt pain rush through my back. And that's what happens when you don't stretch... I think to myself wincing at the pain.

I began to work what magic I hoped I would have at untying the seemingly impossible triple knot. You know how double tying your shoelaces makes it harder to untie depending how tight you make it? Well this is like that though it's a triple knot and tightened so tight I don't think I could find a decently loose part of the rope.

It was then a thought came to me.

Do I still have my powers in here?

I wasted no time and attempted to summon a blade in my hand only for nothing to happen.


I then held out my hand in front of me and attracted my claws. My claws were a solid blade with a razor sharp point to them that could almost too easily pierce skin. I then began cutting at the rope above the knot seeing as trying to untie myself won't work.

Slowly but surely I scraped away the parts of the rope making the area I was cutting even thinner. The rope was very thick that was for certain, for what I could see it was the type of rope that I could see trucks pulling small cars or 4 wheelers with. To make sense of that, the rope is very thick...whoever suspended me high up in the air definitely wanted to make it hard for me to get out of this.

Eventually where I was cutting got so thin where the rope just snapped sending me sprawling to the ground. I landed on my back with a thud earning a pained groan from me. When the pain slowly subsided I rubbed my ankles seeing the red marks that the rope caused. The rope was pretty tight because I could see the red marks from the rope that it was causing. I still needed to get the rest of the rope off my ankles so I did the same exact thing I did to free myself from being suspended in the air. Eventually I got the rest of the rope that was tied around my ankles off of me. I grabbed the piece of rope and chucked it away from me. I then looked down and could now clearly see the dark red marks and the indent in my fur that it had made. You know when you wear a hat for a very long time it kinda makes an indent in your hair but it goes away after a while? Yea this was what I was experiencing plus red marks.

I then slowly got to my feet and did a full 360 view of the room I was in. Behind me was a door clouded with fog making it harder to see but still visible. The fact that it was a dark grey also helped as the walls around were pitch black. I kept looking around as my mind began to race with thoughts. The most prominent question I have is what is up with this fog? It's so thick it seems like smoke that comes out of those power plants thick but more transparent...only barely enough to see though.

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