Unmatched Divine Power (Pt 2)

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Goldie's POV

I was breathing heavily, blood dripped down my forehead from where Kyla bashed my head. Kyla was still untouched, there was not one scratch on her, despite my best efforts. Me on the other hand, I had blood all over me, she was in her Divine state, and her movements were way too fast for me to see, if I think I landed a punch on her my fist would go through and her body would slowly disappear...she was that fast.

My vision started growing blurry as a wound I thought was closed up reopened causing blood to spurt out. Kyla who was in front of me watched all of this unravel with a smile on her face. I fell to my knees my vision started to fade until I fell to my side as darkness consumed me.

That POV isn't necessarily important for this chapter, but it provides an explanation for the next chapter, so don't focus on this too much until the next chapter. Now begins the actual chapter.

Atreus's POV

(Time Skip)

Time: (:$% (I added this here just cause, there is a time there and it's not random but I wanted so see if anyone could figure it out lol)

Within 5 minutes ago I had teleported all remaining mortals off the planet. Since the great 12 and me weren't considered mortal we weren't teleported off...not that I wanted that. I wanted the others to be safe. Goldie and Spring seemed to have passed out from loss of blood before they were teleported off making it harder to pinpoint them as their energy was completely gone.

"You're going to regret this...as soon as the others arrive we WILL kill you." Issac said smiling darkly. I grimaced, "It's not smart of you to assume Issac, I thought you knew that." I said. "People change...and when you left you broke ALL of us...not like it matters now...we have a new leader. One that tops the goddess herself and you're impudent little self." Issac says. Shadow energy began rising up off the ground beside markus and within seconds Hasworth appeared beside Markus, a grim look on his face. "Well...if it isn't you Atreus...it's been awhile." Jansworth says. Kyla appeared next through a huge lightning bolt striking down on the ground where she then appeared. Her eyes were a lightning golden color and filled with anger.

Lyra was next and when she appeared I didn't even have to turn around to see her to know she was here...the dramastic fall in temperature was obvious enough to me. Vines sprouted from the ground as Terra came shooting out of the ground with a devious smirk on her face. "So you weren't lying Markus...oh boy I'm about to have a lot of fun." terra says with a wide grin on her face. Golden light extruded from the ground as Cyrus appeared out of thin air with a neutral expression on his face. The sky began turning from a blood red to a dark black as Larson appeared with dark energy swirling around him and a look of disapproval in his eyes. Fire sprouted from the ground as Alex appeared. Water flew right past me as Katrina formed through the water.

The silence surrounded us until Alex spoke, "So who's this?" Alex asks in wonder. "This Captain used to be our original leader...until he left us for his own needs." Katrina says with a glare. Alex's eyes narrowed, "His name?" Alex asks. "Atreus." Cyrus speaks up. "His power?" Alex asks. Everyone was silent, "That's unknown captain...he's never had to use his powers before..." Hansowrth explains as Alex steps forward narrowing his eyes on me. "How can you guys not know?" Alex asks incredulously. "Well sir...he was the right hand person of the Goddess herself." Terra explains as Alex's eyes widen when he looks at me. "The right hand man of the Goddess? Impossible..." Alex mutters in shock.

"Aye but it's not, he USED to be...until he left. Then you were chosen for the role off your home planet...and the rest you know..." Katrina explains. "How powerful is he?" Alex asks. "The last time we ever saw him, he was very powerful. He was our leader because he could defeat all of us, without ever having to use his power. He wasn't given the most power...but he trained...and he trained hard...how strong he is now I don't know." Terra mutters. "He wouldn't be able to defeat all of us now...there's no way." Alex says. "While I would love to think that captain we have to be real...Atreus is a threat, much bigger than those other fools...keep in mind we don't even know his power..." Katrina explains.

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