Fall of The Great 12 (Pt 2)

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(Alright guys this is the part 2 to the last one, where the "fall" of the Great 12 happens, I put quotations there for a reason ;), anyways hope you guys enjoy!)

P.S- This chapter is nearly 13,000 words long...now you guys know why I split this into two chapters...

Goldie's POV

I ran over to Shade, he was lying on his stomach blood pooling out under him. "Fuck...Shade..." I muttered feelings for a pulse on his wrist. My eyes widened when I couldn't feel one. I looked over at the others. Everyone was unconscious except for Midnight, who looked to be on the verge of collapsing, Slasher, and Nightiwng who were struggling to hold their own. I looked down on Shade feeling tears prick the corner of my eyes. The entire battlefield was a lovely color of red liquid...in other words covered in blood...it was terrifying the amount of it that was here...The planet was different from our home planet, it looked like a desert with a large sun and multiple planets could be seen from the space atmosphere. I looked back down on Shade, I gritted my teeth before setting him back down. "It sucks to lose someone you love doesn't it?" I heard a voice say. I clenched my fists. I slowly stood to my feet, my back facing them. I then suddenly spun and slammed my fist into the voices face. It was Ryan who I hit, my fist hit so hard I could hear the bones in his neck completely snap as he went flying.

Ignoring the fading glow on my fists Spring looked at me with wide eyes. I blinked a couple of times realizing that I had sent Ryan flying. I saw his figure rise up from the ground. His head was turned a complete 360. It looked horrific enough that I had to look away as Ryan went to pop his neck back in place.

I looked up in the air hearing a whooshing sound and saw Slasher falling toward the ground. He hit the ground causing it to crack under him and he laid there still. "Slasher!" I exclaimed. My eyes widened when I sensed a presence behind me. I spun around to see Ryan standing there. Spring appeared beside me as I felt a hand land on my shoulder. I looked to see who it was and saw Slasher standing there looking absolutely exhausted. "It's about time..." Slasher mutters. "i-I just saw you get-" Slasher cuts me off. "That's not important...what is important is that you guys are here...but I don't even think that's gonna help." Slasher says. "What happened?" I ask worriedly as Slasher shrugs. "It happened slowly, everyone started falling, Holly was first...but for some reason she's being imprisoned in an energy barrier...it seems to be converting her...or something...we're not sure...we were originally planning on waiting for you guys to get here but everyone started falling like flies...me and Nightwing decided to try to merge to take care of them but they wouldn't let that happen." Slasher says. "Couldn't you guys do that now?" I ask as Slasher shakes his head. "We're too exhausted to do it, merging takes up energy...and we don't have that anymore...plus they won't let us do it..." Slasher says.

"If we bought you two some time do you think you could?" Spring asks as Slasher shakes his head. "We're too exhausted to do it...it would have to be at the bare minimum 2 hours, and even then that's the bare minimum to merge...if we did it that way it might last only about 5 minutes..." Slasher says. "Then is there any way to speed up the process?" I ask as Slasher hesitantly nods. "But you won't like it." He mutters.

Time Skip

"Goldie, that's a death mission." Spring says worriedly as I gulp. "You said 5 minutes?" I ask as Slasher nods. "If you're able to hold them off for 5 minutes, Spring can heal me and Nightwing and we can be back to normal in about 5 minutes." Slasher says. "I don't want to do this unless you're confident you can make it...if you die Goldie we're done for." Slasher says firmly. I nodded, "I'm confident...I already have an idea on how to buy time." I say. Slasher nods, "Now listen up...us merging and fighting is going to be us buying time for you two." Slasher says as I looked at Spring confused who did so as well. "What?" I ask.

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