Chapter 3- Waking up in chaos

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"What the hell... what- wha- happened...?"

She was laying on the floor in a big white t-shirt and her underwear. Her head hurt terribly. The room was full of the morning sunlight, shining on the heavily messy room. Bottles were strolled around, as well as glasses, stains of liquids and clothes hanging from every furniture. Even the bedframes had suits and shirts hanging.

She rose to her elbows, being sleeping on her back., laying in the circle of the beds where all of them had been sitting last night. Harry made a sound and Leia turned her head to her left. Harry laid beside her without a shirt on and his messy hair covering his face. He slept on his stomach with his arm tossed around Leias middle. The sight made her smiled to herself.

"What the hell?" she muttered.

She kept looking for clues to what had happened last night.

A pile of clothes to her right, laying beside two beds began to move and Ron's head peaked threw the pile, "Bloody hell" he said with a voice revealing his pain in his head. He looked utterly confused.

The bed to Ron's left made a squeaky noise and Dean rolled over the other side apparently hitting George sleeping on the floor. George grunted and Dean made an "ouch" sound. Harry awoke beside her of the sudden noise.

He looked from side to side still being faced to the floor. "The fuck...?" he said with his raspy low morning voice.

Freds voice made a sound just above Leia's head. "Can you keep it down, mate?" he said with a deep voice.

She leaned her head back revealing Freds head seven inches from her own, his body laying straight on someone's bed but his head hanging out. His hair equally as messy as Harry's.


Hermoine's shocked head flew up from a bed, her voice confused and sounded suddenly awoken like out of a dream. Her eyes took a moment to adjust to the lightning and after tasting her mouth with a sour face she asked:

"The hell happened here last night?"

Leia laughed to herself. It all was a bit funny. She had woken up in a complete mess of a room with loads of people who did not remember last night.

Seamus and Neville were the last ones to wake as they slowly started to be drawn out of their so like comas. Neville laying horizontal on a vertical bed and Seamus being sleeping sitting up next to the wall.

Everyone started to regain consciousness and to talk each other- the conversations barely consisting of anything but low mutters and confused questions.

Ron rose to his feet and to everyone's big amazement, he was wearing Hermoine's ball dress. "I'm glad to see you're embracing your style Ron" George joked. After big laughter among the group their looks told them it was time to get moving.

Harry removed his arm, scratching his head and sitting up, "Mornin' I s'pose."

"Yup, mornin'," Leia sighed looking out the window.

"Wild night, huh?" he pointed with his head on her shirt- or rather- someone else's shirt that Leia was wearing.

"You don't remember anything either, right?" she looked at his bare chest.

"I do remember cutting someone's hair... and switching pants with Neville. And also Seamus daring me that I couldn't use legilimency on you guys," he chuckled.

The room was now filled with high conversation and changing of clothes.

Hermoine and Leia was borrowed two robes from the guys to wear to lunch. They had slept through breakfast. The only thing they had was their dresses and those wouldn't exactly say 'yea, we went to sleep in our own beds last night'. They threw on some sweatpants, also borrowed, but kept on the big t-shirts that apparently Hermoine also was wearing. This way they would sneak down to lunch without anyone thinking anything of it.

Fred and George on the other hand buttoned their shirts, swung their untied ties around their shoulders and started to head out.

"Great time in seven minutes in heaven last night, Bright" Fred chuckled and left after George to the great hall.

Her jaw dropped. Had she been with Fred in seven minutes in heaven? What had they done? Why was he smirking?

"Excuse me what?" Hermoine said surprised while tying her robe.

Harry was facing the wall putting on clothes and Leia felt herself grow warm and red in her face. "I don't- I can't... you know...remember" she stuttered looking concerned at Hermoine.

"Well I had a great time! Don't know really what I did but it was bloody great" Ron laughed and went to the doorframe.

"It was probably the dress that made you feel so great" Harry responded grinning to Ron over his shoulder.

"Right mate, and that hickey probably made you feel great"

Harry's hand met his neck faster than lightning and he exclaimed a chocking "oh no"

"Don't worry about that, these two are the big problem, you know, you two should probably not just leave the boys' room like nothing happened, you have to be careful, I mean, people could see you and think stuff," he laughed to himself, running his hands threw his hair and grabbing the doorframe.

"I have an idea" Harry said turning around now fully dressed. His hands dug in his luggage, took out his invincibility cloak and threw it to Hermoine next to him. "Now no one will be able to see you, just take it off before entering the great hall and you'll be fine"

"Or maybe miss Bright would love the attention?" he smirked to Leia.

She narrowed her eyes but then responded, "Sorry, Potter, couldn't really hear you over that hickey"

Even though she was joking it didn't feel good to see a hickey on Harry. A jealous feeling took place and she hated herself for hoping she'd been the one giving it.

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