Chapter 14- Sitting in windows

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"Leia? Leia are you here?"

Hermoine shouted from the staircase and Leia woke up hastily from Harry's chest. He was still sleeping and his breaths caused her body to rise and fall with him. Their legs were intertwined and the warmth inside the covers made her fear for the cold outside of them.

Ginny's voice sounded in a muffled sense, "Maybe in here Hermoine"

This time she discovered her situation rather than her feelings. They had fallen asleep in Percy's old room and it was now morning, the others were looking for her.

"Harry!" she screamed-whistled, "Harry wake up!" he grunted at her and hugged her tighter with his arms. "No, Harry we need to hide"

But it was too late.

Ginny and Hermoine's chatter grew louder from outside the door and was just about to open it. Harry's body was still tangled with hers.

The doorknob turned and the door opened.

She quickly kicked Harry away from her and he fell on the floor to the side facing the wall, not visible from the door.

"There you are", "What are you doing sleeping in here" Hermoine and Ginny asked as they stood in the doorframe looking confused at Leia laying by herself with the cover up to her chin.

"I just... I needed a silent place, Ginny you snore you know, and I... I was tired from our fighting last night"

"Really?" Ginny frowned, "Seems rather odd" but Hermoine came to her rescue, "You do snore Ginny" she giggled. "As if your reading with the lights on isn't annoying" Ginny laughed and turned to her.

Leia started to grow uncomfortable with the two so close to seeing Harry behind the bed and herself without any clothes on under the cover. "Guys, I'll be down in a second, I promise" and she begged inside that they wouldn't come closer.

To her relief they made no big thing out of it and turned to walk down saying, "Breakfast is ready any second and I heard mom and dad are coming home in an hour or so."

The weight of an elephant left her shoulders. Pheew.

Harry stood up in a quick move, making her flinch. She looked him up and down as he stood naked, covering himself, "You snore as well you know" he said and smirked as if it was like any other conversation.

She giggled at the sight and forced him down to bed on top of her with the cover between the two, "Yeah? I'll spare you the misery next time"

He kissed her while leaning on his arms between her head, "Nothing this beautiful could be a misery to me" he said with his mouth on hers. Their tongues danced together and she giggled while putting her hands to his neck.

It only they could stay a little longer.

Leia walked down to breakfast after changing in her room and sat down innocently but with a grin on her face. The group sat eating bacon, eggs, toast and a plate of berries and fruits. Hermoine and the twins passed out the plates while Ginny and Ron leaned over the table picking strawberries with their hands. She laughed at the sight of her friends all gathered in one room together.

Hermoine turned to her, "Finally, we're just ready to eat" she smiled sweetly and then turned to the twins, "Can someone wake up Harry?"

She choked on her strawberry.

"U okay?" Ron laughed.

To her ease, Harry came down the stairs smiling. They cleared up that Harry was in the bathroom when they went to bed and that he woke up earlier to take a walk this morning. It wasn't anything of interest and no one asked further questions. Although Hermoine glanced at Leia with disbelief and narrowed her eyes at her. Leia acted as if nothing was unordinary and Hermoine seemed to have let it go as they went on with their day.

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