Chapter 1: Light to Dark

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Dedicated to @LockDown1545 thankyou for the amazing book cover :)

I stumbled out of the nightclub feeling like crap.

My head was hurting, my eyes drooping and my stomach felt like any minute now, the food that I had eaten today was going to spew out of my stomach in the mos unattractive way posssible.

I'd had way too much to drink and all of my friends had gone off home ages ago when I decided it was a good idea to start kissing random guys in the club.

They just don't get it, I'm a eighteen year old woman, old enough to decide if I'm making a bad decision or not.

Plus its none of their business who I go home with, at the end of the day, that's why I moved away from my oh too controlling mother.

The night was chilly, the winter winds tearing through my thin coat like no tomorrow. I hadn't even wanted to wear a coat but once again the people in my life think they know better than me and that I will be begging to borrow their coat. Two things wrong with that, I wouldn't ask them for their coat if I'd deliberately not brought my own just to not give them the satisfaction, and I would have probably only lost it anyway, it's only chance now that it isn't gone.

I began walking down the streets, they were now dark and empty from all of the people that had been celebrating Christmas earlier.

The only thing lighting the street was a flickering street lamp at the end of the road.

I cursed to myself, feeling annoyed that I'd chosen to wear six inch high heels and now I had to walk a mile to the nearest taxi rank in the freezing cold darkness. I thought they'd looked good with my outfit earlier but by now I sure as hell would rather be wearing wellies or even those rubber sandle things that look awful - they wouldn't hurt my feet this much.

I leant against the wall of the nightclub and slipped my red high heels of, putting them in my bag so that at least I wouldn't break an ankle or anything by them time I got to the taxi rank, stumbling around drunk in high heels wasn't a wise idea and I didn't want a trip to the ER where my controlling Christian mother scoulds me for being so reckless. It's my life, not hers.

My feet came into contact with the concrete path and it sent a shiver down my spine, both from the coldness and from the thought of 'I could be standing in anything, including somebodies urine and chewing gum'.

I regretted being out this evening, why did I have to try and make an ex jealous? What good was that going to do? He wasn't even there! What was I proving? That I was hot enought to get kissed by just anybody? No! I wanted to make my ex jealous, what stupid idea that was.

This is just how I am though, stubborn.

That's the reason he said that he'd left me, because I was so stubborn it was hard to live with...

Well I guess I showed him by kissing all of those men. Sort of.

I began walking down the road, being careful to not step on any glass or anything unpleasant which was almost impossible, I could feel the sharp stones piercing my feet and then only good thing about being drunk was that I really couldn't have cared.

It would have been more sensible to have worn tights, but oh no, I had to go all out there and be as slutty as possible, red lipstick, red low-cut figure-hugging dress, red heels and more make up than what a super model wears.

Then again, it would have been more sensible to have stayed at home, snuggled up in the warm, out of the cold.

Once again I cursed myself for not wearing tights when I scratched the bottom of my foot on a broken section of pavement, causing a cut to emerge and start pouring out blood.

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