Chapter 33

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Olivia's POV

"The man you saw is what?" officer Wright asks.

He, Nick, and Mom are still waiting for me to finish my sentence. What they don't realize is that Samuel still has his hand clasped over my mouth, which prevents me from uttering a single sound. Because I can't order him to remove his hand, I stick out my tongue and slide it across his surprisingly smooth skin.

Samuel snatches his hand away and stumbles a step back. "Did you just—"

I ignore the horror reflected in his eyes and turn back to officer Wright. "The man I described isn't the driver. The driver was definitely a woman."

"Maybe the man and the woman were both inside the car," officer Wright says. "It's likely the woman was a passenger."

"No, she was the driver," I insist. "How else would you explain why she attacked me last night? She must be the driver."

"Does it matter?" Nick asks from where he's still standing on the left side behind my chair. "We can figure out the details later. For now, let's focus on widening the search for both the woman and the man."

"It's not that easy." Officer Wright shakes his head. "Because Olivia never saw the woman, we have nothing to go on with."

"So what?" Nick takes a step closer and grips the back of my chair with such a tight grip that I'm surprised the metal doesn't bend. "You're telling me you're just going to sit here and do nothing while there's someone out there trying to hurt Olivia?"

"Calm down," Officer Wright says. "We're still going to keep looking for the man Olivia described and the partial license plate she remembered."

"And what good will that do?" Samuel moves closer and grips the other edge of my chair's back. "They're never going to find the man because he's a Guardian."

"What if the man already sold the car?" Nick hisses. "You'll be chasing down a dead-end."

"It's the best we can do in this situation," office Wright disagrees.


"Watch your language," officer Wright raises his voice, which causes a few officers around to turn in our direction.

The father and son continue to glare at each other for an electricity-filled moment. Then Nick snatches his hand off my chair and stalks out of the room.

"Nick!" officer Wright calls after him.

Nick, however, doesn't glance back, let alone stops to listen to his father. Even after he disappears out of the room I continue to stare after him, wondering why he's so angry. He, after all, isn't connected to the accident.

"I should find out—" I start to get up, but both Samuel and officer Wright stop me. While the latter shakes his head, the former clasps his hands over my shoulders and keeps me pinned to the chair.

"Give him time to cool down." Officer Wright closes the file he has been holding in his hands. "I'm sorry there isn't anything more we can do for you. But since there's no other witness to the assault our hands are tied."

"Damn it." Samuel kicks my chair, which causes me to jump an inch into the air. "Had I been by your side, then the woman would—"

"We understand." Mom unknowingly cuts Samuel off. "Since there's no witness to the assault none of us can be sure what really happened. I mean, I'm not even a hundred percent sure that Olivia hadn't done this to herself."

I open my mouth to defend myself, but before I can utter a single syllable, Samuel grabs my hand. He pulls me off the chair and forces me to stumble behind him. I don't even have time to say goodbye to officer Wright.

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